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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 19

    20 November 2020 19:00      21:30

    "If in years to come any man says to you 'I fought at Arnhem', take off your hat to him and buy him a drink, for this is the stuff for which England's greatness is made." - Alan Wood, War Correspondent Daily Express. 24th September 1944
    On 17 September 1944, the 101st Airborne Division became part of XVIII Airborne Corps, under Major General Matthew Ridgway, part of the First Allied Airborne Army, commanded by Lieutenant General Lewis H. Brereton. The division took part in Operation Market Garden (17–25 September 1944), an unsuccessful Allied military operation under Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery, commander of the Anglo-Canadian 21st Army Group, to capture Dutch bridges over the Rhine fought in the Netherlands and the largest airborne operation of all time.
    Our part in this operation is to perform an airborne drop and secure and hold the bridge in Chef du-Pont in advance of the Allied armoured advance with XXX Corps (30 Corps) from the east. Our intelligence on the area indicates that the Garrison of the town is light however the some of our Dutch Allies have reported German armour being concealed in the woods to the west though these reports are largely unsubstantiated. As well the Chateau de Bosson to the North appears to contain a larger contingent of German Motorized infantry. This operation is to take place as soon as the necessary elements can be prepared and launched.

    "Screaming Eagles"
    What is the God damn holdup Mr. Sobel?

    MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Second World War. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Iron Front, Faces Of War and CSA38 which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.  Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War.

    PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY): @Sarissa [PLTN 2IC TAGS] PLTN 2ic/Runner (PLTN 2ic TAGS): @Astrid [NO TAGS] PLTN Radioman (PLTN 2ic TAGS): @LurkerOne [NO TAGS] PLTN FAC (FAC TAGS): OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Monocled Badger  

    ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS): OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Root Alpha Squad Radioman (TL TAGS): @jamie Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS): OPEN  
    BRAVO SQUAD: Bravo Squad Lead (SL TAGS): OPEN Bravo Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS): @Peterowsky Bravo Squad Radioman (TL TAGS): @Fabs [FNG] Bravo Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS): OPEN  
    CHARLIE: SQUAD: Charlie Squad Lead (SL TAGS): OPEN Charlie Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS): OPEN Charlie Squad Radioman (TL TAGS): OPEN Charlie Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS): OPEN  
    DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS): OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS):  OPEN Delta Squad Radioman (TL TAGS): OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS): OPEN
    Hawker Hurricane Mk2 / Douglas C-47 Skytrain (1-1):
    RPTR Pilot/Lead (Fixed Wing Tags): @Griffin68965 [NO TAGS] Hawker Hurricane Mk2 / Douglas C-47 Skytrain (1-2):
    RPTR Pilot (Fixed Wing Tags): @AngryScottishMan --SLOTTING--
    Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited. Only Radiomen are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited. Looting of enemy primary weapons is prohibited. Only Platoon HQ, Squad Leads and Team Leads are permitted whistles. --RESTRICTIONS--
    Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules remain in effect for this mission.
    Uniform: Chosen by PLTN HQ.
    Helmet: Role Appropriate headgear (EX Inf= M1 Helmet, KNGT = A-11 Tankers Helmet).
    Riflemen Weaponry: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1903A3 Springfield Rifle.
    Sniper(Designated Marksman) Weaponry: M1903A3 Springfield Rifle(Scope).
    Medic Weaponry: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1903A3 Springfield Rifle.
    Squad Leaders, Team Leaders Weaponry: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1903A3 Springfield Rifle, M3 Grease Gun, Thompson Submachine Gun.
    Autorifleman: M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle.
    MachineGunner: M1919 Browning Machine Gun.
    Hawker Crew Weaponry: M3 Grease Gun, Thompson Submachine Gun.
    Secondary Weaponry: Colt M1911 Any Axis Pistol looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation.
    MAT: M1A1 Bazooka.
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Here - Now with preset functionality  

    Event details

    Mission Planner 13 Comments
  2. 21

    20 November 2020 21:00      23:59

    Would like to have another night of playing this.
    This will start whenever first main ends for those wanting to do both (probably myself)
    For those who have never seen or played this game before:
    It's basically a murder mystery game. Innocents (Crewmates) complete tasks and try and uncover who the Traitors (Imposters) are. Crewmates win by completing all the tasks or finding who the imposters are. Imposters win by killing almost all the crewmates. 
    We'll rotate through all the maps for a different experience and basically go as long as people have interest.
    If we get enough for 2 big groups (8/9 per group) then we will do multiple lobbies swapping players every few games
    This will be on the new Beta branch version - If you don't know how to switch to it, give me a poke and I will help you
    I'll be taking a shot every time Rabit snaps my neck

    Event details

    Community Events 0 Comments

    11 users have RSVPed, including

    • L00_Cyph3r
    • magnusnielsen
    • Slim
    • Monocled Badger
    • Museman7
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