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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 15

    17 October 2020 15:00      17:00

    This will take place on FK#2 from 1600 BST - 1800 BST
    The aim of this is to have a slightly smaller, more serious/immersive mission for those who enjoy it. As a result, the follow constraints are in play.
    To attend you MUST RVSP and declare your slot.

    1) No Respawns - Dead is Dead.
    2) No Resupplies - Take only what you need
    3) Markers will not be provided by Crossroads, only Grid Refs.
    This will be slower paced than most people are used to, and this mission in particular has a focus on evasion and subtly, rather than firefights.
    Event details
    Player Faction
    NAVAL Special Warfare Group TWO - SEAL Team 4 - Team 2
    1 x 10 Man Squad

    Friendly Forces
    Opposing Forces
    Contracted PMC Elements
    Virolathti Government Forces
    Operation Bagman
    After some time with the Documents and Electronics recovered by Team 1 in Operation Balancing Act, Langley has managed to determine that a key supplier of the materials through Black Market means was conducting a sale in Virolathti this month, in a small area known as "Suopelto" (GRID REF 032 133). Team 2 has moved upon the site and seized the HVT dubbed "The Contractor". However while the assault has gone smoothly it seems that the The Contractor had a number of contracts and deals with the host government and our original method of extraction via Blackhawk is untenable. 
    As a result, a secondary extraction method is being used via Naval assets. The USS Greeneville is moving into a position offshore where another team will prep and store Assault RHIBs for Team 2 to exfil and rendezvous with the USS Greeneville and extract from the AO. The Greenevilles team will attempt to stash the RHIBs at a dock slightly outside of "Sorapelto" (GRID REF 029 063), the closest available area to Team 2s position. The team will signal when the extraction area is prepped, or if any alterations need to be made.
    Additionally to assist with the teams movement and extraction as well as to monitor the situation - a MQ-9 Reaper drone is moving to assist, however it will not be on station for approximately 20 minutes.
    Whilst the initial assault on the The Contractor yielded no casualties and hostile forces bar the him were destroyed in their entirety, additional contracted PMC elements have communicated with the Host government and both groups are starting to comb the area to recover the HVT. While both elements would not seek to directly endanger The Contractor - they have been told to use all means and force at their disposal.
    Due to the overwhelming force present, evasion over direct action is preferable. Otherwise the Team risks becoming bogged down, surrounded and captured. Additionally due to the fluid nature of this situation, no map Intel is present.
    Primary Objectives
    1) Exfil from the Target Area on foot
    2) Keep the HVT Alive at all costs
    NAVAL Special Warfare Group TWO - SEAL Team 4 - Team 2
    (Note: The 2 drone operators are for the Single drone. Having 2 Operators means bounding movements can be done and Drone Uptime is high without leaving someone far behind)

    Squad Lead: @KingShibe (No Tags)
    First Fireteam Lead: @Veagance
    First Fireteam Autorifleman: @LurkerOne
    First Fireteam Drone Operator: 
    First Fireteam Rifleman: @Conga Line of Neckbeards
    Second Fireteam Lead: @Astrid
    Second Fireteam Autorifleman: @EpsilonNiner
    Second Fireteam Drone Operator: @L00_Cyph3r
    Second Fireteam Rifleman: @magnusnielsen
    Gear Restrictions:
    (Square brackets denote mod)

               UNIFORM : G3 Multicam Black [FK]
               VEST : MBAV Black (Any Variant) [FK]
               HELMET : FAST Ballistic (Black/Headset) [RHS Blue]
               FACEWEAR : Face Shield + Shemagh (BLK) [RHS Blue] // Face Shield + Goggles//Shemagh (BLK) [RHS Blue] 
               BACKPACK : Kitbag (Black) [UK3CB] 
               RIFLE : H&K HK416 D14.5 (CAG) [NIArms] - IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - NT4 QDSS (Black) [RHS Blue]  -  5.56MM SOST 30Rnd PMAG [NIArms]
               LMG : M249 PIIP (Short/Para) [RHS Blue] - IOR-Valdada Pitbull 2 - AN/PEQ-15 Black [RHS Blue] - NT4 QDSS (Black) [RHS Blue] 
               PISTOL : SigSauer P226R Combat [NIArms] - V-TAC Sights (P226) [NIArms] -  Steiner DBAL-PL (IR) [NIArms] - AAC Evolution 9 [NIArms] - 9mm Subsonic 15rnd P226 Magazine) [NIArms]
               LAT : NONE
               OPTICS : Rangefinder
               NVG : Head-Mounted NV System [BAF]
               RADIOS : SR - AN/PRC-152 [TFAR] / LR  - [ILBE] RT-1523G (ASIP) + Whip Antenna (Black) [Ilbe]

    Event details

    Community Events 21 Comments

    11 users have RSVPed, including

    • Monocled Badger
    • L00_Cyph3r
    • LurkerOne
    • Conga Line of Neckbeards
    • Veagance

    17 October 2020 15:30      20:00

    With myself as Dungeon Master, we will be playing Rise of Tiamat, the second of the two modules that make up Tyranny of Dragons.
    The Cast:
    @OneMadPanda aka "Low Orbit Smite Cannon".
    @FloofyFloof aka "Closeted? fox-man".
    @SABER aka "Kobold Kicker II: Electric Boogaloo".
    @Sasquatch Rick aka "Sharpshooter is my default attack".
    @Garfield aka "I cast Toll the De-- Oh."
    Session is Full at 5 Players at this point in time. Later Campaigns may open up new Slots.

    Event details

    Community Events 0 Comments
  2. 16

    17 October 2020 16:00      17:30

    This training is aimed at people who are new to the zeusing with FK. If your interested in starting to Zeus in FK but don't have much knowledge of where to start this training is made for you.
    Topics that will be covered:
    Zeus selection on discord. Asset announcement and restrictions. Briefing and answering questions. Zeus Modules and object placement. Environment management. SQFs and code execution. Helpful mods and additions.  Mission Testing in editor. The idea is that you will be able to complete this training and head straight into a mission with the ability to request co-Zeus with the knowledge you need to run a basic mission.
    This training does not earn you any tags. But it will teach you the basic information needed to start zeusing with FK and therefore indirectly leads towards acquiring tags.
    How to join
    Please RSVP here and be at "Zeus Training" room on TS at given time. We will be conducting this training on server 4.
    Time in the calendar should be automatically adjusted to your timezone, but just to make sure, this training will start at 1200 EST. Expect roughly 1:30 hours taken, the extra 20 minutes are there in case of delays and technical issues.

    IP and password will be given to you before we join the server.
    Mandatory reading
    Rules on how to conduct yourself in an FK Arma missions as well as rules and information on zeuses within missions:
    Recommended additions
    Quality of life mods which help with mission setup and object placement.
    ZEC: Adds prebuilt military objects and compositions such as bunkers, bases and outposts.
    ZECCUP: Adds prebuilt military objects and compositions such as bunkers, bases and outposts.
    ZEI: Adds quality of life modules for Zeus EX: Garrison Building, Interior Fill and Object Fill.
    Additional Zeus Things: adds advanced AI and object control modules including Hunter AI, Quickly apply loadouts and Allow crew to stay in immobile vehicles.

    Event details

    Training Planner 0 Comments

    3 users have RSVPed, including

    • Whitelock
    • the_chosen_1
    • jamie
  3. 20

    17 October 2020 20:00      22:00

    DISCLAIMER: This mission takes place in the ww2 era, but may not be historically accurate. There may also be certain historic imagery that some people may find offensive
    The Great Raid
    30th January, 1945, Philippines
    The Japanese military is being forced back on all fronts, and it is finally time for General Macarthur to keep his promise, and return to the Philippines. Operation Musketeer has been executed, and American forces have made good ground after the initial invasion. However, we are presented with a problem. Between us and Cabanatuan City is a prison camp, with an unknown amount of allied personnel inside. High command fears that the Japanese will execute the prisoners if we get too close. Therefore they must be rescued before this can happen, this will be your tasking. The camp itself is believed to be large, however actual intelligence on it's layout it none existent. So it is recommended that you perform recon before attempting anything. To the east is the region's main airfield, and it is believed to be housing multiple "Zero" fighters. In addition, if you are to face any QRFs they will most likely originate from there. "Bloody Ridge" is believed to hold a small artillery encampment. It may be worth your time to attempt to disable these guns before your assault on the prison, for obvious reasons. The enemy's strength in the region should be relatively minor, consisting mainly of light infantry in and around villages and fortifications. However you should expect some patrols in and around the jungle, especially on the paths. There will be stronger forces moving south through the region however. They will be heading for the front lines, and may pass you as you carry out your orders. These forces will most likely contain some armoured elements, so it is recommended that you steer clear where possible. Due to the sensitive nature of this assignment, it is recommended that you make every effort to keep your presence a secret, for as long you deem possible.

    MISSION SUMMARY: This is inspired by events that occurred during the Second World War (this to be exact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raid_at_Cabanatuan). The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Iron Front, Faces Of War and CSA38 which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.  Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to WW2/Faction based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme and structure of operations in the Second World War.
    PLTN HQ Platoon Lead [PLTN TAGS] - OPEN Radioman [TL TAGS] - @L00_Cyph3r [NO TAGS] ALPHA Squad Lead [SL TAGS] - @Jerichron [TAGS] Radioman [TL TAGS] - @Yung_Cider [NO TAGS] Team Lead [TL TAGS] - @Astrid [TAGS] 5x Rifleman BRAVO Squad Lead [SL TAGS] - OPEN Radioman [TL TAGS] - OPEN Team Lead [TL TAGS] - @jamie [NO TAGS] 5x Rifleman SCOUTS Scout spotter [SPOTTER TAGS] @Zenthar [SNIPER TAGS] Scout Sniper [SNIPER TAGS]  @Silberjojo [NO TAGS] EXTRA ( these slots are in PLTHQ, and are to be reassigned by PLT) Medic 2x [MEDIC TAGS] @Gdad @Peterowsky [TAGS] Machine Gunner, Asst.  Machine Gunner  
    Only Weapons and equipment from the Iron Front, Faces of War and CSA 38 mods may be used within the mission. Short Range Radios are prohibited. Only Radiomen, and the spotter are permitted to carry Long Range Radios. 
    (if the MG team is set as a separate team, the Assistant may take one.)  Night vision equipment is prohibited. BFT and GPS systems will be disabled/prohibited. Looting of enemy primary weapons is restricted.  
    Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules remain in effect for this mission.
    Uniform: Chosen by PLTN HQ.
    Helmet:  M1 woodland/jungle Variants
    Riflemen, Medic, MG Assistant, Spotter Weaponry: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1903A3 Springfield Rifle.
    SL, TL, PLT Weaponry: M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, M1903A3 Springfield Rifle, Thompson Submachine Gun
    Machine Gunner: M1918 Browning Automatic Rifle, M1919 Browning Machine Gun.
    Sniper: M1903A4 Springfield
    Secondary Weaponry: Colt M1911, Welrod (Scouts only)
    Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Here - (The same as the one the others are using) Now with preset functionality 

    Event details

    Mission Planner 16 Comments
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