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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 19

    16 November 2019 19:00      21:30

    Mission is there to be run as the First Main of this Day. There will be no slotting done in advance, slotting will be done using Tags as per usual in the Main Mission Start Room, during Slot-Up.
    Your faction is VC. You will be fighting a mixture of American and ROK Forces.
    You can direct any and all questions regarding the event directly toward me ( @OneMadPanda ) through Discord or TS. Check the bottom of this Post for the Mod List!
    Friendly Assets : 
    1x T-34/76 Medium Tank 2x Type 55 APC (Twin DShk) 1x Type 55 (Transport) / Squad Asset-Numbers may change with number of attendance. RESTRICTIONS :
    ONLY VC Weapons from the Unsung Mod. Riflegrenades count as a UGL. No more then 10 Throwables per Person. No GPS Beyond this: Normal FK rules apply. Since this question keeps appearing: No limitation on Shortrange Radios. You may trade in both UGL of the Squad to make one Rifleman a Grenadier, using the China Lake 40mm or similar dedicated Grenade Launcher of their choice. This Grenadier replaces the DMR as well. The Grenadier may bring a backup-rifle if he so chooses. The DMR may make use of Bolt-Action Rifles, same Scope Limitations as usual apply. SERVER INFO :
    Name: FK #4 Zeus UNSUNG Server IP: Port: 2402 Modset Here

    Event details

    Mission Planner 5 Comments
  2. 21

    16 November 2019 21:30

    Carrier Sim
    MODSET: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9xbma62bl9h55ws/Arma_3_Preset_Carrier_Sim.html/file
    Hosted on FK4
    Starting after First Main
    Guide to Carrier Sim: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k921c5xuc4re360/Carrier_Sim.docx/file
    How it works:
    All roles of the carrier are taken up by players. This includes all deck crew (Aircraft handlers, Catapult Officers, ATC and so forth) as well as Jet Pilots, Heli pilots and a Seal Team. Any player taking a Deck Crew role must have an understanding of all the different roles of deck crew as well as how a carrier works. This will mainly be an aerial assault, though the Nimitz is support by 1x Arleigh-Burke Class Destroyer as well as 1x Virginia Class Sub, So if you don't like air and naval combat, or crewing a carrier, this mission is not for you. More will be explained in briefing.
    Slots (first come first serve unless otherwise stated):
    Most of the Deck Crew slots will be decided on the day, as there are a lot of them. If you are interested in one, put a comment down below.
    Zeus - @BenFromTTG
    Ship Commander (Lead Element Tags) - FREE
    ATC Commander (FAC Tags) - @RedNexus
    ATC Officer - FREE
    Medical Officer (Medic Tags) - FREE
    Medical Officer (Medic Tags) - FREE
    Medical Officer (Medic Tags) - FREE
    Pilots (Tags>Regs>FNG'S):
    FW Assets (FW Tags):
    Blue Diamonds:
    F/A-18E - @info (Diamond 1-1)
    F/A-18 E - FREE (Diamond 1-2)
    Jolly Rogers:
    F/A-18F Pilot - FREE (Bones 1)
    F/A-18F WSO - FREE
    Sun Downers:
    F-35C Pilot - @AngryScottishMan (Argonaut 1-1)
    F-35C Pilot - @Cosmo (Argonaut 1-2)
    Gray Wolves:
    EA-18G Growler Pilot - @Prometheus13 (Wolf 1)
    EA-18G Growler Co-Pilot - FREE 
    Ace of Spades:
    AV-8B Harrier II Plus - @magnusnielsen (FNG) (Ace 1-1)
    AV-8B Harrier II Plus - FREE (Ace 1-2) 
    RW Assets (RW Tags):
    Wolf Pack:
    Seahawk Pilot (SAR/Transport) - @Griffin68965 (No Tags, REG) (Pack 1)
    Seahawk Pilot (CAS) - FREE (Baller 1)
    Boats (First come,First serve)
    Poseidon (Destroyer):
    Commander - FREE
    Driver - FREE
    Crewman - @Marcu
    Crewman - @off_the_road
    Neptune (Submarine):
    Commander - @Servok
    Driver - FREE
    Operator - FREE

    Event details

    Community Events 10 Comments

    10 users have RSVPed, including

    • magnusnielsen
    • betacar
    • Griffin68965
    • Marcu
    • Servok
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