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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 15

    05 October 2019 15:00      15:45

    This will be an introductory course to the ACE Medical system, intended for those who have no idea what to do when they get shot. This is not a prerequisite for Medical 201 or getting Medical tags, but for those with no experience/no intention to play medic, it will be very beneficial.
    Training is open to all, first come first served.
    Things that will be covered:
    Self-treating minor wounds Treating critical comrades while waiting for a medic Continuing fighting after being wounded Getting to the medic after the fight Maintaining security at a triage point Do's/Don'ts of interacting with the medic This will take place on Server 1. Have your game loaded and be in the Medic training room on time. 10 minutes after the posted start time will be considered late and you will not be able to attend.
    I do not take absences lightly. If you reserve a spot and fail to show up without 1 hour advance notice or a valid excuse, you will be barred from any of my future training sessions.

    Event details

    Training Planner 3 Comments

    2 users have RSVPed, including

    • Hurrr
    • sh4rdknight

    05 October 2019 15:45      17:45

    This is the first step to getting medical tags. This is not an evaluation, it is a training.
    This event is open to regs+. It is first come, first served. If you don't make the RSVP or are an FNG and interested in the training, feel free to ask about any open slots on the day of or comment below your interest. If somebody doesn't show up I am accommodating, though these leftover slots will be first come first served regardless of rank.
    This training will consist of two segments:
    Activating and using the Ace Medical Menu What being a Medic means A medic's role in the squad The uses of the Medical Equipment Triage procedures Treatment order Loadouts for different roles This is the time to ask clarifying questions Hands-on Application:
    One hour of dedicated practice time to apply what you have learned in the classroom. I will throw everything at you from bullet wounds, to fragmentation grenades, to being crushed and getting hit with an IED. I will watch you as you go and provide you with advice and corrections as necessary. I do not anticipate finishing early, however, in the event that we do finish early, we will discuss how to get an evaluation, myths about ACE Medical, as well as any other topic or question that comes up.
    This will take place on Server 1. Have your game loaded and be in the Medic training room on time. 10 minutes after the posted start time will be considered late and you will not be able to attend.

    Event details

    Training Planner 2 Comments

    7 users have RSVPed, including

    • Impromptu
    • Prometheus13
    • Pippen
    • info
    • Griffin68965
  2. 20

    05 October 2019 20:00

    This mission is going to be a scripted TvT mission and will be hosted on FK#4. Disclaimer: This mission takes place in the WW2 era but might not be historically accurate. The first mission starts approximately 10 minutes after first main.  
    Your objective is to capture and hold Sectors that are marked on the map. You begin capturing a Sector once you have full control over it (no enemy players are present in the Sector). If your side controls at least two (of the three) Sectors, the enemy side will start losing points. Killing an enemy player makes their team lose points. The mission ends once the mission timer hits zero or one side runs out of points.  

    Starting points: 1000 Mission timer: 5 min. prep phase, 45 min. game time Penalty if enemy team has more control over the sectors: -1 pts/5 sec Respawning: -1 pt Respawns: 30-second respawn timer, respawn points are at base or inside a captured friendly Sector The enemy base cannot be captured  
    FK rules are in effect No metagaming; don't use chat to share mission critical information No "streamsniping" No spawncamping If you join late, try to balance the sides when you pick a slot No looting of enemy weapons unless you're completely out of ammo Don't leave the AO (marked with a rectangle on the map)  
    BLUFOR - GERMAN WEHRMACHT (14 players)
    REDFOR - SOVIET RED ARMY (14 players)
    Time: 1500 January 12th, 1942
    Location: Volkhov Forest, Soviet Union
    Weather: Heavy fog, snowing

    Download preset
    Name: FK ARMA #4 WW2 TvT Server
    Port: 2402

    Event details

    Community Events 0 Comments

    10 users have RSVPed, including

    • Malbryn
    • AngryScottishMan
    • Skate
    • Mesa
    • BestTrap
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