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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 15

    20 October 2019 15:30      17:45

    There is no need to be able to fly (or know anything about RW at all) to take part in this training, but it will allow you to try out more things.
    This training will talk about the Combined Arms aspect of ArmA 3 from the view of Rotary Wing heavy gunships.
    Other elements Other heavy gunships Light / medium gunships Transport birds Fixed Wing (only basic) Drones (only basic) FAC / JTAC (irl usage vs usage in ArmA) Prophet (not in their JTAC role) Artillery / mortar Armor (only very basic, as I don't know anything about armor except how to destroy it) Infantry Communications Radio LR / SW channel usage Relaying messages Map markers Visible markers Smoke Flares / chemlights Lasers Landmarks ... System markers / Data Link Command structure  
    Taking part in this training DOES NOT give you any priority during slotting.
    Regulars do not have any priorty. Anyone can RSVP.
    We are limiting the RSVP to 8 people but most of the time not everybody who RSVP'ed shows up. Feel free to just be there at the time and you probably will be able to get in.

    Be sensible, an amount of extreme fuckery (completely unnecessary or unrelated crashes, stupid delays due to not paying attention .etc.) will get you kicked out of the training, possibly even with a ban, and maybe even a ban from further trainings.

    Event details

    Training Planner 0 Comments

    8 users have RSVPed, including

    • info
    • Cosmo
    • Marcu
    • Griffin68965
    • Articwinter
  • Create New...

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