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  • There are 3 possible events you can create. Here they are and explained how:

    • Mission Planner: The mission planner is for Main Missions. You have to follow this guide line for the requirements. These events also need approval by CMs.
    • Training Planner: The Training Planner is for Training events. If you are running a Training use this calendar.
    • Community Events: This is for games other than Arma 3 or special events in Arma 3 which take place during off hours. This includes reserving the server for you and your friends to play together.

    If you do something on the Training Planner or the Community Events Calendar, it is preferred that you either take the 2nd Server or make sure nothing else is running at the same time.

Events happening today

  1. 18

    19 October 2019 18:00      21:00

    -This is a priority message from Segmentum Tempestus High command-
    - The Warp storm surrounding the planet of Mariposa has recently dissipated and communication with the planets astral choir has been reestablished however during the planet's isolation it has been revealed that the local Xenos Ork population has taken control of vital sections of the planets infrastructure as well as the presence of **REDACTED** has been confirmed in light of these events a detachment of the Astra Militarum has been sent to Mariposa to quell any hostile elements interfering with the collection of the planets outstanding tithes. -
    - Segmentum Command cannot allow any delay in the pacification of Mariposa which would allow **REDACTED** the chance to regroup and have ordered a full advance from our forces to seize the defences leading to the Kar Shek and the town itself. Primary Objectives are as follows 1st - SECURE THE TOWN OF KAR SHEK AND ELIMINATE ANY LOCAL FORCES - 2ND LOCATE AND ELIMINATE THE LOCAL ORK WARBOSS --

    -For this operation, your platoon has been transported to Mariposa with the intent of dislodging the unknown forces from the Kar Shek and to locate and eliminate the local Ork Warboss located to the East.-
    -This operation is to be undertaken as soon as the aforementioned forces can be assembled and have arrived in the area...command out.-
    MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the fictional world of Warhammer 40k. The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mod TIOW and GRIMDARK ARMOURY which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list.  Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Warhammer 40k based weaponry and will be restricted to per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure will remain the same for this mission.

    -PLTN Captain (PLTN TAGS): @Forked (2ic Tags)
    -PLTN Rto (RTO TAGS): 
    -PLTN Medicae (MEDIC TAGS): @Marcu (FNG)
    -PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS): 

    -ALPHA Sergeant (SL TAGS): 
    -ALPHA Medicae (MEDIC TAGS): 
    -ALPHA Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -ALPHA Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+): @Sasquatch Rick
    -ALPHA Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -ALPHA Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+): @usedstarfighter (FNG)

    -BRAVO Sergeant (SL TAGS): @BDFoster
    -BRAVO Medicae (MEDIC TAGS): 
    -BRAVO Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -BRAVO Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+): @Kisielek (FNG)
    -BRAVO Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -BRAVO Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+):

    -CHARLIE Sergeant (SL TAGS): 
    -CHARLIE Medicae (MEDIC TAGS): 
    -CHARLIE Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -CHARLIE Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+):
    -CHARLIE Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -CHARLIE Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+):
    DELTA SQUAD (Kasrkin):

    -DELTA Sergeant (SL TAGS): @Servok
    -DELTA Medicae (MEDIC TAGS): @Astrid (NO TAGS)
    -DELTA Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -DELTA Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+): @Conga Line of Neckbeards
    -DELTA Team Leader (TL TAGS): 
    -DELTA Heavy Weapons Carrier (REGS+): @info
    Valkyrie Gunship (RPTR):

    -RPTR Pilot (ROTARY TAGS): @AntiMatter (NO TAGS)
    -RPTR Co-Pilot (REGS+): @Jacob_Waltz
    LR MBT-Executioner (KNGT 1-1):

    -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): @colt92
    -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): @Garfield
    -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): 
    LR MBT-Battlecannon (KNGT 1-2)

    -Commander (COMMANDER TAGS): 
    -Gunner (GUNNERY TAGS): 
    -Driver (DRIVER TAGS): 
    1st. Only Weapons and equipment from the 40k mods may be used within the mission.
    2nd. NVGs and Thermal Devices are permitted but only allowed for use by command Elements.
    Note: Weaponry and equipment will depend upon the faction chosen by PLTN HQ.
    Uniform/Faction: Cadian 700th, Krieg 1491st or Mordian Iron Guard chosen by PLTN HQ.
    Squad Leads / Team Leads: M36 Kantrael Lasgun, Combat Shotgun, Lucius Pattern Shotgun , Lucius Pattern No.98 Lasgun, Plasma Gun (Only two per squad).
    Riflemen: M36 Kantrael Lasgun, Combat Shotgun, Lucius Pattern Shotgun , Lucius Pattern No.98 Lasgun.
    Heavy Weapons Carrier (Auto rifleman): Lucius Pattern Grenade Launcher, Grenade Launcher, Lucius Heavy Stubber, Kantrael Pattern Stubber, Flamer, Backpack weapons emplacements (Will need assistance if chosen).
    Kasrkrin: Kasrkin Hellgun (Be careful with ammunition usage), M36 Kantrael Lasgun, Combat Shotgun, Lucius Pattern Shotgun , Lucius Pattern No.98 Lasgun.
    Sidearms: PLTN is permitted Mk III Plasma Pistol and Bolt Pistols otherwise sidearms are Stub Pistol, Kantrael Laspistol.
    MAT: Meltagun, Achillan Mark III Tread Fether, Cadian PAttern Disposable Launcher, Death Korps Missile Launcher.
    LAT: Cadian Pattern Disposable Launcher.
    NOTE: Plasma guns from the Grimdark armoury are unstable! and carry the chance to explode if used excessively. As well grenades from TIOW have a larger than used to blast radius and care should be taken with their use.
    Name: FK #4 Zeus TIOW Server IP: Port: 2402 Modset here Note: While allowed JSRS and Blast-core are not recommended for use with this modset.

    Event details

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