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    "An Aircraft Carrier is 100,000 tonnes of Democracy" - Henry Kissinger EVENT SUMMARY: This is an event taking place a week after the release of the Carriers Update for NEBULOUS: Fleet Command, a military simulator set in a distant space environment wherein two different factions (The ANS - Shelter Alliance, and the OSP - Outer Systems Protectorate) are embroiled in war. The simulation includes inertia, damage modelling, ranging and detection simulation and missile warfare - and now carrier warfare. Players have a set of hulls for each faction, with which they can configure the internals, the systems and the weaponry at will, so a large part of the game is won by how you decide to outfit your fleet. Will you use cruise missiles to harrass and engage enemy ships from cover, or swarm smaller and simpler missiles to attempt to overcome enemy defences via quantity? Will you take a refitted cargo liner, outfit with gigantic broadside fixed cannons a-la ships of the line from the age of sail? There's a tonne of possibilities, before even getting into battle. We'll be hosting a few games of MP Nebulous, either internally to the community assuming full numbers, internally against the update's newly-implemented and improved AI if not full numbers, or externally playing against randoms if that works for folks. ++EVENT RULES++ General: 1: Players must have pre-built fleets coming into the event. A minute or two whilst getting a game going to adjust something is fine - 30 minutes to build a new fleet from scratch is not. - 1a: There is pre-built fleets for both factions that can be taken, so if the fleet editor isn't your vibe, do feel free to take one. Here's a steam guide to the Starter Fleets. 2: There will be a 5 minute break between games for personal admin. 3: No Exploits or Metagaming. 4: When joining a team, there is an option to show your fleet. Do not click this until the teams are fully filled and finalised, else it confers an advantage if there is team switches. 5: Standard FK Ruleset for good conduct applies. 6: In the case of something outside of this ruleset related to the game, the Event Host has discretion in ruling. --EVENT RULES-- ++NOTES++ Game Settings: Max Players: 8 Scenario: Control Time Limit: 30 Minutes Uniform Team Factions: Yes Victory Points: 1000 Team Points Limit: 3000 per player Map Pool: Aorta, Arroyo, Avora, Caltrop, Cicada, Honeycomb, Pillars, Tombstones, Tumbleweed, Yukon EVENT REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO: Host: Deltabacon Password: On Request MODSET: Functionality (Optional): Show Hidden Stats - Adds several stats which were previously hidden to the Fleet Editor, so players can take them into account when building their fleets. Neb Maps (FK) - Small download of the maps, can be done in-game but ideal to have them in-advance.
  4. Deltabacon

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #5


  5. GingerRocker

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #5


    Spartan Please
  6. TheSalader

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #5


    Spartan if possible😇
  7. until
    "Just as it has always been, when our memories of the ancient world fade into twilight, a new era dawns to fill the void; an unfamiliar path with a pulse of its own, a tempo not dictated by the labor of men, but accelerated by the rhythm of machines, launching the world into an age of bold innovation. From this cauldron of steel and sweat, a vision of prosperity emerged; harnessing the untold power of the elements, turning night into day, creating new designs that brought the world's stage to the masses and providing an experience that many had never imagined. The advent of mechanized warfare brought devastation like none the world had ever seen, providing a window of opportunity for some to dictate conformity as regimes spread their ideologies with a heavy hand, inciting the world to the brink of war. And yet, some chose a different path and, through their vision, brought unique prospectives to the world. As singular proponents of free thinking remained striving for peace in their endeavors to unlock the secrets of the universe—some of which, would fill our hearts with fear and regret. And as this progress unfolds, the finite nature of our world becomes clear; our survival, the survival of all the world's peoples, depends on our ability to coexist in peace, but this peace is tenuous. Although mankind will always look onward, yearning for more, searching for new boundaries, only to break through them, with the understanding that this world is one, in which, we all share, comes the responsibility of knowing that the decisions you make today will have a lasting impact on the generations of tomorrow." — William Morgan Sheppard - CIV V Intro - August 24, 1932 -> January 6, 2019. EVENT SUMMARY: This will be heavily themed event based taking place in the highly acclaimed Turn Based Strategy game Civ 5, in which players will seek to guide their own nations on the path through the ages. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical issues with Civ 5 multiplayer games, there will be some guidelines for behavior in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments. ++SLOTTING++ (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Once the first session is concluded additional info will be added here with nation pictures. Players (6 Max): Random Nation: @Jerichron Random Nation: @AntiMatter Random Nation: @colt92 Random Nation: @Griffin68965 Random Nation: @IceCream Random Nation: @Spartan_MiniMe --SLOTTING-- ++EVENT RULES++ General: Players participating must make sure they own the Civ 5 DLC's Brave New World, and Gods and Kings. There will be a ten minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks they will be removed from the session. No METAGaming or Exploits. The Host in order to retain the ability to host the game may have their capital taken by domination but may not be eliminated from the game. If the host has clearly lost they will refrain from pursuing victory types and will concede if it is clear they have lost. XCOM Squads are prohibited. All players are required to play on "Prince" Difficulty settings. Players are not allowed to destroy other player's nations before the medieval Era is reached. The event will be making use of the Vox Populi + EUI Modset which can be installed via the instructions below. --EVENT RULES-- How to install a modpack: Modset VP Only modpack without EUI: 4.15.2. To use VP, you must have your game in English. Search for the Civ's DLC folder. The path should be something like C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC. Delete your old modpack if you already have one. Extract the downloaded .zip here. It should add “ZMP_MODPACK”, “VPUI” to your DLC folder: Before the first launch of the game delete the Cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5" Now you don't need to use the mod menu from the game's main menu. This installation needs to be done by every players in case of online multiplayer game: the exact same modpack needs to be used on each PC. ++NOTES++ Game Settings: Map Type: Continents. Map Size: Huge (8 Players). Game Pace: Quick. Game Era: Ancient. Turn Mode: Simultaneous. World Age: 4 Billion Years. Temperature: Temperate. Rainfall: Normal. Sea Level: Medium. Resources: Standard. Game Settings: Victory Types: Science. Domination. Cultural. Diplomatic. Adv Game Options (Enabled): Policy Saving. Promotion Saving. Quick Combat. Quick Movement. --NOTES-- EVENT REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Host: Jerichron Password: On Request
  8. Jerichron

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #5

    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "We're approaching the LZ, it's gonna be hot! Get set to come out swingin'. Touchdown! Hit it, Marines!" ECHO 419. The Covenant believe that what they call "the Silent Cartographer" is somewhere under an island chain located on this section of the Ring. The Cartographer is a map room that will lead us to Halo's control center. The island has multiple structures and installations. One of them contains the map room. Search the islands and locate the Control room... ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ MISSION SUMMARY: This will be a heavily themed mission with elements taken from the Halo Game Series The mission will be making use of the Arma 3 mods Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Improved Melee System and others which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to Halo Series based weaponry and will be restricted per your chosen role. Tags for applicable roles are being enforced and will not be different from standard slotting. Squad Structure and PTLN structure have been changed to accommodate the theme. ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (PREVIOUSLY RESERVED SLOTS REQUESTED DO NOT HAVE PRIORITY OVER OTHER APPLICANTS REGARDLESS OF TAGS. APPLIES TO ONLY 1X MISSION FORWARD) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) CoZeus: OPEN CoZeus: OPEN PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN 2ic/RTO (PLTN 2ic/RTO TAGS, Officer) OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN ALPHA SQUAD: Alpha Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Alpha Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Alpha Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Alpha Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Alpha Squad Rifleman: (on the day) DELTA SQUAD: Delta Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Delta Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Delta Squad Team Leader (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Delta Squad Autorifleman : (on the day) 2x Delta Squad Rifleman: (on the day) Blue Team Remnants: Spartan-117 (John) (Reg+, Officer) OPEN Spartan-058 (Linda) (Reg+, Specialist) @GingerRocker --SLOTTING-- ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from Operation Trebuchet, Fire Team Zulu, Specialized Ordnance, 1st MEU, Operation Arsenal mods may be used within the mission. Any Covenant Weapon looted in mission may be carried in the next mission if proof of acquisition is provided prior to the next operation and appropriate Role is taken. Only one Covenant Weapon may be equipped or looted at a time per rifleman. Rifleman && Crew mag size is raised to 60 rounds per magazine in these missions. Spartan Laser is to be treated as HAT and restricted to one mag before rearm is required. 1x Molotov cocktail may be carried by any member of the platoon at any given time. Spartans, PRHT, and DM roles may take one magazine at a time of special ammunition EG: Incendiary or HE per mission. Only one primary weapon and sidearm may be taken from the spawn area. Additional primary weapons and their ammunition must be looted in the field. Only medics are permitted to carry [1st MEU] Emergency med kits and are recommended to carry them. They are capable of instantly sealing all wounds on a specific limb. --RESTRICTIONS-- ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. To assist with some of the equipment and to take into account the settings tone Third Person will be allowed for use in these missions. Those streaming or inclined to listen should be aware that music from the Halo universe will be played throughout the mission. To further play into the theme of the environment and to assist with medical treatment in mission all Players are recommended to take [1st MEU] Biofoam Canister's as a replacement to standard packing bandages. They are more effective than standard bandages and are only available in this setting. Please read carefully when adding to your inventory as other mods Biofoam options do not function as well or at all. Infantry engaging or expected to engage Elites or Spartans during operations are suggested to bring a decent amount of (HV, AP or Slug Ammunition) and to aim for the head. Elites or Spartans do not typically die quickly once unconscious from small arms fire best practice is to down enemy heavy infantry ensure sufficient damage and move on. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. PLTN Lead: Squad Leads: FAC, RTO, Team Leads: Medics: Riflemen: AutoRiflemen: ODSTs: Spartan II: MRTR Crew: PRHT: KNGT Crew: RPTR Crew: General Equipment: --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #4 Custom Mission Server IP: arma4.fkservers.eu Port: 2402 Password: On Request Modset Size: 25GB
  9. JeffreyCuddles



    Sapper pls, am reg
  10. LurkerOne



    Plt Sniper, have tags
  11. Griffin68965



    AT Gunner please
  12. Silberjojo



    Sapper Squad SL plox
  13. TheSalader



  14. AntiMatter



    Plt Sniper please (Have Tags) Scratch that Travel plans have changed, might not be able to arrive on time
  15. lucleaR



    AT gunner pls
  16. L00_Cyph3r



    Mortar assistant pls, with tags and enough lung capacity to yell at @Bashfulvideos for 2.5 hours
  17. Bashfulvideos



    Mrtr gunner plz (tags)
  18. until
    "THREE STRONGS" - JULY 1966, REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM BANH CHOUM POPULIST MILITIA, 3rd SOUTHERN BRIGADE, PEOPLE'S LIBERATION ARMY Need a guide? ++MISSION BRIEFING++ "Grab the enemy by the belt buckle” Mission Summary: The time to strike is nigh! We will utilise Comrade Mao's strategy of the Three Strongs, strong fight, strong assault and strong pursuit. Our aim is threefold. 1 - Attack and eliminate the Puppet Regime's prison camp near Pak Ha, thus drawing out the Imperialist Americans. 2 - Ambush the arriving Yankee dogs and inflict severe casualties. 3 - Retreat into the safety of the jungle, in good order. Our will is absolute and our cause just. To victory! ++SLOTTING++ (TAGS & REGS PRIORITIZED) (RESERVED SLOTS MAY BE OVERWRITTEN BY TAG-HOLDERS) (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Slot Format: Role,(Tag Required, Rank Associated) PLTN COMMAND SQUAD: PLTN Lead (PLTN TAGS ONLY, Officer) OPEN PLTN RTO (TL Tags): OPEN PLTN Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN PLTN Sergeant (TL Tags): OPEN PLTN Sniper (PRHPT Tags) : @LurkerOne ABLE SQUAD: Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Machine Gunner (on the day) 6x Rifleman (on the day) BAKER SQUAD: Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) OPEN Squad Medic (MEDIC TAGS, Specialist) OPEN Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Machine Gunner (on the day) 6x Rifleman (on the day) SAPPER SQUAD: Squad Lead (SL TAGS, Officer) @Silberjojo Radioman (TL TAGS, NCO) OPEN Mortar Gunner (MRTR Tag) @Bashfulvideos Mortar Asst (MRTR Tag) @L00_Cyph3r 2x AT Gunners (Reg+) @lucleaR, @Griffin68965 3x Sappers (Reg+) @JeffreyCuddles, OPEN, OPEN ++RESTRICTIONS++ Only Weapons and equipment from the SOG DLC and Unsung compatibility mods are permitted. Weapon list is in effect; see below.. No personal (SR) radios may be taken by infantry. 1 Rifleman per squad can be a Grenadier - the grenadier carries an SKS or M1 carbine with rifle grenades. Sappers can carry an unrestricted number of placeable mines. All types are permitted, but command detonated artillery shells are limited to one per person. All scopes are prohibited unless operating as a Prophet/Marksman. Standard restrictions apply. No NVGs or Thermal goggles are permitted. Throwable explosive placaeable (satchel charges etc)/incendiaries/Molotov's are limited to 1 per person. Frag grenades are exempt. Explosive ammunitions is prohibited unless playing as a PROHPET element (separate or imbedded) US Special Forces (LRRP, SOG, SEALs etc) and ARVN Special Forces (Rangers) have the following amendments: One team member may take an short M79 GL as a sidearm Machine Gunners may take RPDs. SEAL team members may take the Stoner 63 LMG 1 Rifleman per team may carry an enemy primary (AKM/SKS etc) ++NOTES++ The improved Melee system can be configured by esc > options > controls > configure addons > WebKnight's Melee. Primary Weapons with an attached bayonet can be used to bayonet enemies by use of the improved Melee system Buttstock Hit/Bayonet Charge ability. --NOTES-- ++EQUIPMENT++ Note: FK Weaponry and equipment rules unless otherwise specified remain in effect for this mission. Australian Army RIFLES & Sidearms (permitted to be used by all) SKS, TT Pistol, PM, Type 56 Squad Leads/Team Leads/RTOs/Medics Mat 49, PPsH Grenadiers M1 Carbine, SKS MGs RPD, DP20 AT B40 Sniper Mosin Mortar Any 60mm --EQUIPMENT-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Name: FK #5 SOG Server IP: arma5.fkservers.eu Port: 2502 Password: On Request FK SOG Modset
  19. kMaN



    That was a super fun mission!
  20. Sarissa



  21. LurkerOne

    UM/FK Joint Op - Fulda's Felt

    ++MISSION BRIEFING++ During the late Cold War period, American forces were deployed in West Germany at a key access route from Eastern Europe to West Germany. If Warsaw Pact forces were to ever invade West Germany, it was highly likely this route would have been used by their forces to exploit their overwhelming numbers and speed-based tactics. This point was known as the Fulda Gap. Protocol put into place by American forces dictated that if the Fulda Gap fell, nuclear weapons would be become an option. US troops were drilled continuously on a possible response to the Fulda Gap being broken by Pact forces. Often times they never knew if it was a drill or the real deal. This one is not a drill. ++BRIEFING COMPLETED++ EVENT SUMMARY: This is an event organized between FK Gaming and Unqualified Minds. This will be a heavily themed mission with a focus on multiple different objectives. The mission will be making use of a custom Modset provided by Unqualified Minds which will be posted as well at the bottom of this event page and in discord in a compiled list. Weaponry within the mission will be restricted to role specific weaponry and will be limited to a select number of options to reduce prep time. Tags for applicable roles are not being enforced as this is a cooperative event and will be different from standard slotting. Standard FK Rules apply unless otherwise specified. ++NOTES/RESTRICTIONS++ Collaborative mission made by Macho and Phenosi. Feedback from the mission on 1st December has been taken into account and changes made based on that DLC: This mission relies on ONE DLC: Arma 3 CDLC - Global Mobilization: Cold War Germany YOU DO NOT NEED TO OWN THE DLC! You will need to load the owned DLC OR the compatibility data mod of the DLC yourself! Compatibility Data for Non-Owners Global Mobilization - Cold War Germany: Compatibility Data for Non-Owners PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DOWNLOAD AND ADD WHATEVER DLC OPTION BEST FITS YOURSELF Event rules: Although this is a joint OP FK Rules still apply (excluding arma playstyle rules). UM's ruleset is near similar to ours. Any type of disrespectful behavior will result in consequences within the FK platform. Additionally please listen to both UM staff, leadership and all member of FK staff. Given the above any member of staff (including PR and Techs) will be treated as part of the moderation team. Please use the sign-up sheet below to pick a role, otherwise slotting will be done on the day SIGN UP SHEET - PLEASE CHECK THE RULES IN SHEET - FK Members add [FK] beside your name Mission notes: Playstyle: Semi-serious Theme: Cold War Category: Combined Arms Radio mod: TFAR (beta) Medical System: Armor System Duration: ~2 hours (excluding Briefing time from 18:30) Loadouts: Pre-made (WBK Kit Menu) --NOTES/RESTRICTIONS-- MISSION REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : IP: euc-ogs11.armahosts.com Port: 2312 Password: On the day Modset - See Discord Announcement TEAMSPEAK INFO : Password: Panda
  22. colt92



    Cobra wso, no tags.
  23. until
    "Just as it has always been, when our memories of the ancient world fade into twilight, a new era dawns to fill the void; an unfamiliar path with a pulse of its own, a tempo not dictated by the labor of men, but accelerated by the rhythm of machines, launching the world into an age of bold innovation. From this cauldron of steel and sweat, a vision of prosperity emerged; harnessing the untold power of the elements, turning night into day, creating new designs that brought the world's stage to the masses and providing an experience that many had never imagined. The advent of mechanized warfare brought devastation like none the world had ever seen, providing a window of opportunity for some to dictate conformity as regimes spread their ideologies with a heavy hand, inciting the world to the brink of war. And yet, some chose a different path and, through their vision, brought unique prospectives to the world. As singular proponents of free thinking remained striving for peace in their endeavors to unlock the secrets of the universe—some of which, would fill our hearts with fear and regret. And as this progress unfolds, the finite nature of our world becomes clear; our survival, the survival of all the world's peoples, depends on our ability to coexist in peace, but this peace is tenuous. Although mankind will always look onward, yearning for more, searching for new boundaries, only to break through them, with the understanding that this world is one, in which, we all share, comes the responsibility of knowing that the decisions you make today will have a lasting impact on the generations of tomorrow." — William Morgan Sheppard - CIV V Intro - August 24, 1932 -> January 6, 2019. EVENT SUMMARY: This will be heavily themed event based taking place in the highly acclaimed Turn Based Strategy game Civ 5, in which players will seek to guide their own nations on the path through the ages. This event may be a one-off or a repeated affair, depending on interest. However, to prevent some of the typical issues with Civ 5 multiplayer games, there will be some guidelines for behavior in the event to assist with the flow of events. These are not intended to force a particular outcome or victor in the game's conclusion, and if anyone has a suggestion for additional rulings, please feel free to make suggestions in the comments. ++SLOTTING++ (FINAL SAY IS AT EVENT HOSTS DISCRETION) Once the first session is concluded additional info will be added here with nation pictures. Players (6 Max): Random Nation: @Jerichron Random Nation: @AntiMatter Random Nation: @colt92 Random Nation: @Griffin68965 Random Nation: @IceCream Random Nation: @Spartan_MiniMe --SLOTTING-- ++EVENT RULES++ General: Players participating must make sure they own the Civ 5 DLC's Brave New World, and Gods and Kings. There will be a ten minute break after every 50 mins of play. If players fail to return with a 5 min grace period after breaks they will be removed from the session. No METAGaming or Exploits. The Host in order to retain the ability to host the game may have their capital taken by domination but may not be eliminated from the game. If the host has clearly lost they will refrain from pursuing victory types and will concede if it is clear they have lost. XCOM Squads are prohibited. All players are required to play on "Prince" Difficulty settings. Players are not allowed to destroy other player's nations before the medieval Era is reached. The event will be making use of the Vox Populi + EUI Modset which can be installed via the instructions below. --EVENT RULES-- How to install a modpack: Modset VP Only modpack without EUI: 4.15.2. To use VP, you must have your game in English. Search for the Civ's DLC folder. The path should be something like C:\...\Steam\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization V\Assets\DLC. Delete your old modpack if you already have one. Extract the downloaded .zip here. It should add “ZMP_MODPACK”, “VPUI” to your DLC folder: Before the first launch of the game delete the Cache folder from here "Documents\my games\Civilization 5" Now you don't need to use the mod menu from the game's main menu. This installation needs to be done by every players in case of online multiplayer game: the exact same modpack needs to be used on each PC. ++NOTES++ Game Settings: Map Type: Continents. Map Size: Huge (8 Players). Game Pace: Quick. Game Era: Ancient. Turn Mode: Simultaneous. World Age: 4 Billion Years. Temperature: Temperate. Rainfall: Normal. Sea Level: Medium. Resources: Standard. Game Settings: Victory Types: Science. Domination. Cultural. Diplomatic. Adv Game Options (Enabled): Policy Saving. Promotion Saving. Quick Combat. Quick Movement. --NOTES-- EVENT REQUIREMENTS: SERVER INFO : Host: Jerichron Password: On Request
  24. Phenosi

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #4 [1st Main]


    We have informed UM members of the OP and some may be joining!
  25. GingerRocker

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #4 [1st Main]


    Delta Medic please, no tags.
  26. Deltabacon

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #4 [1st Main]


    Delta 2nd TL please - no tags
  27. Silberjojo

    Combat Evolved (UNSC) #4 [1st Main]


    Delta TL please
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