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FK & UO Joint Op - Operation ***


Community Events

Event details


Fuck Knows has been invited by United Operations to play a couple of TvT missions. Operation *** will consist of two TvT missions where FK and UO will team up in combined platoons and have some fun. This means that each side will consist of both FK and UO members, working together to defeat the other side. Very important, if you are banned from the UO servers you will not be allowed to play in this event! The same counts for people banned from our servers.

Technical information

Both missions will be played on the UO servers using the UO mod pack. Note that this mod pack includes ACRE, UO does not use TFAR. UO will provide information on how ACRE works in comparison to TFAR before and on the day of the event. If you are keen on finding out how it works, Google is your best friend. UO has a server that can be used to test if you have a functioning mod pack, use it to make sure everything works BEFORE the event starts. If you want any further information on any technical aspects of the event, feel free to leave a comment below.

UO TS: ts3.unitedoperations.net
UO Primary A3 Server: arma3.unitedoperations.net Port: 2402
UO Training Server (Used for Rehearsals): arma3.unitedoperations.net Port: 2412
UO Test Server (Used to validate Mod Pack): arma3.unitedoperations.net Port: 2422

Preparing for the event

Before the event happens, there are a couple days where you can participate in a rehearsal session. These sessions are designed for small groups to practice tactics and skills. This will include using the 60mm mortars, armoured vehicle gunnery and infantry manoeuvring. As space during these sessions is limited, you need to contact Max from UO to reserve a spot. You can find him on the UO Discord, Teamspeak or Forum. You can also contact me (@NeilZar) and I will try to reserve the spot for you.

Rehearsal schedule: (Z = UTC)

  • Session 1: 21 APR 1900Z-2100Z
  • Session 2: 28 APR 1900Z-2100Z

If you wish to attend these rehearsal sessions, you are required to register on their forum.

Event Day

On the day of the event, the UO Teamspeak will have a special room with the FK name. On the event day, there is no password required to join the servers. Make sure you are on time, that means you are present on the UO Teamspeak and ready to go before 1800 UTC. If you are in a leadership position, this counts double for you. The briefing will begin at 1800 UTC, after which slotting will start. Note that both sides will be briefed separately and you don't want to miss this. The server will be locked twenty minutes after slotting is completed, after which no one can join anymore. So be on time, there will be no exceptions!

Commanders will have a premade briefing that will be presented to their team prior to players being slotted. After all the players have been briefed, players will begin to slot beginning with high-level leadership and staff, and ending with the lowest-ranking slots. During the slotting commanders will draw their briefing on the map while their respective teams load in. Once both sides have fully loaded in and organized each leader will signal that they are ready. The head game moderator will then begin the mission in accordance with annex six of the operations orders. Once the end conditions have been met the head game moderator will end the mission also in accordance with annex six of the operations orders.

A note to streamers

All live streams are required to have a minimum 15-minute delay. If you do not comply with this, you will be removed from the event!


Both missions will take place on Chernarus, but they are not related. The first mission has 58 slots reserved for FK; the second mission has 53 slots reserved for FK. These are the slots that are reserved for FK. Anyone that is not able to get a slot reserved for them can still try and get a slot on the day. Any slots open on the day will be divided among the people that show up.

Tags are enforced for all slots, meaning that anyone asking for those slots without tags will not get the reservation. There is a special privilege for Squad Leaders; they are allowed to form their squad once they have been assigned the role. To reserve slots in your squad for members you want in your squad; you only need to send me a message with the list of people you want and which slot you want them in. If you decide not to use this privilege, I will assign people signing up to your squad.

Following will be a short overview of the missions, a full briefing will be available on the event day.

Mission One

The first mission will have the BLUFOR defending around Berezino against the OPFOR attack.

The BLUFOR Red Platoon consists of 6 HMMWVs and acts as the platoon leader for the BLUFOR. The Eagle Squads are under direct command of Red Platoon. Falcon and Hammer are under the command of Red Platoon as well. The Hammer Mortar element will have access to the M6 BAF mortars.

The OPFOR Sokol Company consists of two Platoons. Each element has access to a BTR or a T72B tank. The Company HQ element consists of the Commander and Sergeant, an RTO, two Medics and the BTR Crew. Each Platoon consists of a Platoon HQ element and three identical squads. The Platoon HQ has along with the Leader and Sergeant a Marksman and an AR team. Each vehicle has an AI Driver module that can be used, in case there is no player driver, to drive around.

Mission Two

Mission two will have the INDFOR insurgents defending around Chernogorsk against the OPFOR attack. OPFOR has shelled Cherno to hell and OPFOR will have to clear the ruins of the town of the remaining INDFOR hiding in the destroyed city.

The INDFOR consists of three different groups of 5 manoeuvre teams. Each group has two AT teams, one Marksman team and one AR team. Sokol consists of one Company element with two Medic, two Platoon HQ elements with a marksman and an AR, and six squads. Each Platoon element consists of three identical Squads. 

The OPFOR Anna Company consists of an identical company layout as Mission One. The only difference is the three T72Bs have been replaced by two ZSU23-4 Shilka's.


SIGNUP CLOSED! Keep in mind that you only sign up when you are 100% certain you'll attend and you can be on time. Tags are enforced and you will not get assigned a slot without the tag for it. On the day of the event, tags will no longer be taken into account.


Recommended Comments

Will tags be enforced completely or can lower tier tagholders take slots? (i.e driver tagholders taking gunner)

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Posted (edited)

Looks Good,


the fact that it isn't Fk vs UO is a bit disappointing though. still looks like a great evening



Do you want us to put our names down for infantry yet?

Edited by Xavierpony
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Im super interested, but just to make sure before i sign up, are FNG's even allowed to sign up for this, or is it just regs and above.

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  On 16/04/2018 at 16:46, Eaglestrike said:

Im super interested, but just to make sure before i sign up, are FNG's even allowed to sign up for this, or is it just regs and above.



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  On 16/04/2018 at 15:43, Muhcreedy said:

Will tags be enforced completely or can lower tier tagholders take slots? (i.e driver tagholders taking gunner)


It is open to anyone. The only thing is that during the sign up, tags are required for tag slots. On the day itself, anyone should be able to take any slot.

  On 16/04/2018 at 15:43, Muhcreedy said:

Will tags be enforced completely or can lower tier tagholders take slots? (i.e driver tagholders taking gunner)


At this moment I am only looking at people that have the tag for that slot or a higher one. So for now, no.

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  On 16/04/2018 at 16:54, NeilZar said:

At this moment I am only looking at people that have the tag for that slot or a higher one. So for now, no.


Would I be able to change my slot at a later date then if it is opened? cause I'm going to put inf for now

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  On 16/04/2018 at 16:59, Muhcreedy said:

Would I be able to change my slot at a later date then if it is opened? cause I'm going to put inf for now


I will announce it when it comes along.

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  On 16/04/2018 at 16:32, Xavierpony said:

Looks Good,


the fact that it isn't Fk vs UO is a bit disappointing though. still looks like a great evening



Do you want us to put our names down for infantry yet?


Hey there Xavier, 

Im the one main people who is behind the event. We had discussed on the UO side of things before presenting this to Neilzar and due to the overall varying skill level FK has (this is in no way to say the community as a whole is not good at arma) we were afraid that if we tried one side vs the other side that it wouldnt be fun for everyone. So we settled for hybrid forces instead. 

If anyone has any questions related to the event dont hesitate to PM me or @ me in the comments below. 

@Leprechaunlock The way the event is currently organized right now the missions will be pre planned by the overall CO of the mission. All sides are broken down to PL level (someone from FK will be able to PL one of the platoons on OPFOR for both missions). It will be likely that if an OPORD is made by whomever ends up as the CO for each mission it will be passed along here as well for leadership from FK.

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  On 17/04/2018 at 11:08, Veagance said:

if you have signed up will you get a reply of if you're in or not and what slot you got or naw?


I could imagine Neilzar will post an updated roster list as the time progresses towards event day. But i will let him be the one to answer the question for you.

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the UO teamspeak has a password will the password be given out to fk members or will we need to make a UO account?

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  On 17/04/2018 at 20:49, info said:



the UO teamspeak has a password will the password be given out to fk members or will we need to make a UO account?


I will PM Max from UO and ask him how theyre going to handle that. There is also a ts tag thats usually needed to get onto the primary channel in ts. Once i have an answer for you i will reply in the thread.

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From Max: On event day, we will have specific password. They will not need to authenticate. If they wish to do anything prior to - such as rehearsals- they’ll need to create acct just like anyone else. I can only change SOP for joining server on event day for event duration

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I have assigned the first slots!

To all the Squad Leaders that wanted to form their own squad. You have until April 27th at 23:59 CEST (GMT+2) to send me the list of people you want in your squad and what role you want them in. This list does not have to be complete; if you keep some of the slots open, I will fill them with people that signed up. Once you have send me your list, you can't change it anymore! Anyone that still needs to sign up and wants to form their own squad, you have until today (April 19th) 23:59 CEST to sign up. I will be updating the list again after that. 

Note that tags are still required to get a tag slot, a lot of people seem to have missed that restriction. So if you didn't get a slot yet or you got a slot that wasn't either of your picks, that means you signed up for slots you don't have tags for or those slots are already taken. Note that a lot of people wanted BLUFOR Infantry, so most of you guys will get your 2nd pick or another slot in the first mission.

If you got any questions, feel free to send me a PM on the Forum, Discord or TS.

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Reminder to the current Squad Leads that wanted to form their squad, you have less than two hours to tell me. A PM on the Forum or Discord is the only way to reach me before the deadline.

  On 27/04/2018 at 12:08, Winters said:

@NeilZar any chance in mission 2 you can put me in Borz 4 rifleman please?


We'll see.

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  On 27/04/2018 at 20:03, NeilZar said:

We'll see.


Well, if no one goes for it I'll apply for shilka commander! :P but im not greedy so leaving it for someone else until closer to the event :)

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