Fapovo Fractured - Mission 4 (Capturing Convoys)

Event created by Tomo
Event details
This mission will be on FK#1, and will continue my campaign, detailed below. Please read it to get full context of the situation of the land. There are also brief updates in the thread for how previous missions went for those who want to catch up.
This mission will be split into two separate parts. Part 1 will take place at the end of mission 3, with players re-attempting to capture Isla Noela. Then, a timeskip will occur during which Mission 3.5 will have occured (details in above thread), followed by Part 2 of this mission based on intel from 3.5. You may carry your loadouts forward into part 2, and resupply on medical from provided crates.
Part1: "We nearly succeeded in capturing Isla Noela, but our forces fell apart just as the enemies' did. We have regrouped, grabbed additional reinforcements and gathered supplies to use in the North East corner of the island. We know the Botanans are also doing something similar, so we must push before they have time to mount an effective defence. To help, you have gathered crates of weapons to grab from for the start of the mission, and an enemy mortar placement has been taken over. Hopefully you can figure out how it works in time."
Objective List:
- Attack and take Isla Noela.
- Once done, reconsolidate and resupply before moving on to part 2.
Part 2: "With the schedule we received from our contact in the Sharkovian ammo dump, we have established times it would be effective to use the explosives we captured to ambush some convoys and steal some supplies. We will use our PTS-M amphibious landing craft to steal a truck per convoy and get out. The vehicles are slow however, so we must wait until they reach the Exfil points before getting out ourselves. We must also remember our debt to the informant who gave us this information, and uphold our agreement by doing our best to leave them alive if we end up in contact with the ammo dump at Ambush 1, maybe extracting them if possible. Remember, they wear a wool peaked cap, and will be forced to at least shoot in our direction to keep up appearances for their superiors."
Objective List:
- Insert at both Insert 1 and 2 markers (via TP pole, boats for exfil already in place)
- Divy up explosives and cellphone detonators from the boxes in place at these start points
- Move out and set up ambushes at the suggested locations.
- Wait for the convoy to pass, and take out any threats before making off with one of the relevant trucks.
- Remember not to shoot the wool peaked cap wearing informant. Extract him if possible.
- Load a truck into each respective PTS-M, and a friendly will drive it away for you. Defend it while it moves away slowly.
- Once the PTS-Ms have reached the exfil points, mount up yourselves and get the hell out of there.
Part 2:
This mission will have heavily restricted gear, to simulate a force that is new and desperately underequipped. You may however loot enemies if possible (no looting radios though due to the fact that all AI spawn with one due to Arma's setup). A basic public loadout will be provided.
Uniform: Any Eastern-European Civilian Dress (3CB Factions stuff basically)
Vest: Either Chicom Chest Rig, or nothing with protection or obvious military origin, items like "Hip Pouch", "Pistol Holster", or similar.
Leadership may take 6B13's or 6B23's in varying patterns.
Headgear: Civilian style only. Nothing silly, and no protection.
Backpack: Anything non-military looking.
Weaponry Selection:
Each group may have only two of each:
AK47 or 74
Otherwise: Mosin Nagant M38 (No rails), Kar98k, TT-33, Chiappa Rhino, PM, Kozlice 12G variants, IZh-18, Saiga-12k.
You may take both a primary and secondary from this list.
Mortar Team: Assistant is considered leadership for restrictions purposes. Crates will be provided for ammo. For part 2 of the mission, you will just be another regular group.
HQ MG Team: Gunner may take a 3CB Factions RPK, and the team may take 20 total 75rnd magazines. Assistant is otherwise another rifleman.
The MG team form a single element along with the Commander, 2iC and doctors for restriction purposes. None of these asset or HQ teams may take the alloted AKs per group.
Weaponry Limitations:
- No magnification/weapon attachments.
- Maximum 5 total clips/magazines for any weapon, or 24 shotgun shells.
- If you die and respawn, you must re-loot equipment in the field.
Equipment Limitations:
Only Leadership Elements may carry SR Radios and binoculars. No LRs allowed. You may loot binos and radios from dead/unconscious friendlies, however you must drop them once they return to the field.
None of the following:
GPS, NV capable devices, Rangefinders, tactical ladder, placeable/throwable explosives, e-tool, flash/stun/WP grenades, launchers, looting radios.
Only 2 of the following per person:
Any Smoke grenade or Fragmentation Grenade.
General Limitations:
- No drawing in side after brief (may be relaxed to allow for additional planning for part 2)
- BFT disabled
- No looting enemy radios (Arma limitation reasons)
- No crewing enemy armoured vehicles. You are only civilians with essentially no military training.
[Tags and regs priority for reserving. Also, I reserve the right to pick who I believe would best suit the mission.]
To simulate the more rag-tag nature of this mission, infantry will be broken up into fireteam elements only. Each team will consist of 1 leader and 3 members, slotted into each squads' fireteams in the templates. AR slot is just another member of the team.
Commander (Plt Tags): @Whitelock [No Tags]
2iC (2iC Tags):
3x Doctor (Medic Tags): @LurkerOne, @Griffin68965, @TheSalader
HQ MG Gunner (Reg+): @Elkano
HQ MG Assistant (Reg+):
M6 Mortar Assistant (Mortar Tags): @cineafx
M6 Mortar Gunner 1 (Mortar Tags): @L00_Cyph3r
M6 Mortar Gunner 2 (Mortar Tags):
Group 1 Lead (TL Tags): @Silberjojo
Group 2 Lead (TL Tags): @Rtiler96
Group 3 Lead (TL Tags): @Veagance
Group 4 Lead (TL Tags):
Group 5 Lead (TL Tags):
Group 6 Lead (TL Tags):
Group 7 Lead (TL Tags):
Group 8 Lead (TL Tags):
(More slots are available, but there won't be reservations for them)