A new website
As you can all see the new website has gone live. The past weeks I have been hard at work squashing bugs and finding new ways to implement old features. Sadly not all of them made it to the new site, more on that later in this post. I would like to thank @V1rU5 for helping me find these bugs and getting them squashed, it was very helpful to have a second pair of eyes
The update:
As it stands the new theme is ready to be used, however the new features have not been fully implemented. Things like our server list and the new tags system still require some work and will follow soon. Over the course of the weekend I will be making some more changes to the theme updating things like the staff page. Should you find something you consider a bug please let me know in the website suggestion section of the forums.
Promotions & Tags:
With this update we have said goodbye to the old promotion system. Due to changes in the core of our website we can no longer use the reputation system, now called reactions system, to hand out prestige. A new plan to deal with promotions is being worked as several ideas are being looked at. Possibilities such as using an application based promotion system, or the time a person has spend on teamspeak are being looked at. Expect news on a final plan soon(™). The tag images being used to identify someones roles have also been lost during the upgrade. The plugin used for that was to broken to be ported. Fear not, the new tags system is close to being finished.
Sneak peak:
Like the last time I am going to leave a little sneak peak. This time the new tags system that is being worked on. This image shows the new Medic tags:
While the image below shows the new tag holder page. Note that the name list will probably change as I am not happy with it yet.
Edited by Mavy
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