Arma 3 Modset Update
It has been four months since the last modset update and we need to breathe some new life into it. We have this time chosen to not add any new gear mods, but we focussed on maps and FW mods. The first server will be changed to the new modset on the 7th of May. Until that time, if you are curious about some of the new jets or maps, you are free to check it all out on the second server. NOTE! The second server is already set to the new modset.
Important note on VCOM and Serverside mods:
One big change compared to the previous modset is the use of serverside mods. Serverside mods do not need to be added locally to be functional and will therefore not be included in the collection or the preset document. This also counts for VCOMAI. If you want to Zeus using VCOM AI, you can run it locally. But if you don't want the AI to use VCOM, don't enable VCOM on startup. The AI will only use VCOM if you run it yourself as the Zeus, or they will use another AI mod like bCombat or ASR3 if you got that loaded. VCOM being loaded on the server means that only scripted missions will have VCOM enabled by default. If you make a scripted mission, there are certain things you can do to stop VCOMAI being used in the missions. For more information on that, you can ask in the #arma_editor channel on discord, or check the VCOM AI mod page.
This is the full changelog:
- CLA CLAFGHAN (included in PROMODS)
- Isla Abramia
- Isla Duala
- Lingor+Dingor Island
- MBG Buildings 3
- MBG Celle 2
- TRYK's Multiplay Uniforms
- F16 Fighting Falcon
- Deniland
- Advanced Towing (serverside)
- Advanced Rappelling (serverside)
- Advanced Urban Rappelling (serverside)
- Island Panthera
- AV-8B Harrier
- FA-18 Super Hornet
- Sabs Su-34 Fullback
- GOS Al-Rayak
- GOS Gunkizli
- Diyala
- Tembelan Island
- SU35 Flanker
- Vehicle on Fire (serverside)
- VCOMAI (serverside)
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