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    Stuff about changes comes in here

    FK joins Friday Night Fight - Weekly TvT event

    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 0 comments, 4,614 views
    Hosted every friday, Friday Night Fight (FNF) is a big recurring TvT brawl bringing multiple ARMA3 communities together, with only one team taking home victory at the end of the fight. FNF hosts missions in EU and NA timezone and FK is joining the fight this friday, July 3rd.
    FNF has been a long standing event with a strong return rate of players. Initially mainly NA focused with a weekly event that has been running for a few years already, FNF is now expanding to EU timezone again with the first event starting July 3th. Anyone from FK can join and will represent our community. There is no minimum number of people required to attend. In three rounds of 45 minutes each, teams will decide who is the greatest in battle.
    Practical information
    Event start
    July 3th, 8pm UK time
    Each event, one player from each community will be selected as leader to make sure the event runs smoothly. Said leader will make sure his community joins the right team, will pass on information from FNF admins to their players, and will oversee any issue. This will most likely be a FK staff members, but a trusted FK community member can be asked to take this spot as well. As we're invited by the team behind FNF, breaking one of their rules will result in the same consequences as if you would break rules on an FK server.
    Please read the FNF rules.
    Additional information
    Discord link

    Password: on their discord in #server-information

    FNF even gets shoutcasted weekly. Their last event was set in a WWII environment. Check out the recording below:
    Joining FNF is a great way to gauge interest in ARMA3 PvP missions. The first event at July 3th could be the start of a recurring visit to the FNF battlefield. If you're interested in shooting some actually skilled enemies, please RSVP using the event in our calendar. This will help us estimate our number of attendance. Let's show them how it's done.
    header image provided by Ceb Cin

    Rainbow Six Siege - Community Tournament

    By Deltabacon, in Community News, , 12 comments, 4,733 views
    Welcome, one and all, to the FK Gaming R6:S Community Tournament.
    This will be a tournament that allows anyone in FK to join and enjoy a few competitive but good-natured games of Rainbow Six Siege as we enter into Year 5, Season 2.
    The format of the competition will depend on how many teams sign up.
              2 Teams = A Best of 5 Showmatch, 1 day affair.
              3 Teams = A weekend round-robin of Best Of 1’s, followed by a Best Of 3 Grand final.
              4+ Teams = A long-form tournament which will consist of a few weeks of round-robin Best of 3 matches, then a playoffs/finals weekend.
    Siege-Specific Ruleset can be found here: Rules 
              All matches involving EU teams will take place on EU-West servers, unless a fully NA team signs up. In that scenario, a coin toss will be conducted to determine which server is played on, EU West or NA East. In the case of a Best of 3 or 5, the host server will rotate each map. Ace and Melusi will be quarantined since they have not been vetted as competitively viable, but that means that Oryx and Iana are fine to use! Due to ongoing issues with clash's shield glitching, Clash will also be quarantined for this event.
              Games will be played at 5pm BST (UTC + 1) on Saturdays, starting from the 27th of June. There will be a captains meeting around 10 minutes prior to kick-off to talk through any events or things to take note of at 4.50pm on matchdays. 
              When signing up, your Uplay name is required so that we can seed the tournament, and have an indicator in the case of 4+ teams signing up of what games are likely to be the most competitive. If you do not have a team, that is completely fine, you have time to form one, or to register as an individual whom we can try and fit with a team. 
              Signup Sheet for already-made teams: Sign-Up Sheet (teams)
              Signup Sheet for individuals looking for a team: Sign-Up Sheet (individuals)
    Would you like to keep up to date?
              Depending on tournament format, most matches will be streamed (with a 3 min delay) to FK Gaming Twitch, with a full commentary and observation team.
    Are you excited? Thinking of applying? What do you think of the new Operators? Let us know below!

    INTREP 019

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,856 views
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    CM Applications
    Discussions continue in the Think Thank regarding the Community Manager applications. We thank all the veterans, staff, former staff, and other Think Tank participants for their input on these applications. Think Tank discussions will be concluded Sunday the 28th of June. Voting will then commence among the current Community Manager Team, the Moderators, and the Admin. There is no solid date when a decision will be made, but we can expect to hear something a week after voting begins. 
    New Public Relations Officer
    @Deltabacon has been appointed to the position of Public Relations Officer. He has hit the ground running and has already completely overhauled our Twitch and is currently organizing our very first siege tournament with the support of his co-workers in the PR Team. Congratulations Delta! 
    Public Relations Operations
    FK Twitch gets a makeover
    @Deltabacon has completely overhauled our stream package including all graphics. Expect to see more activity on our Twitch than ever. If you are not following us, then what are you waiting for? 

    Siege tournament 
    Preparations for the FK Gaming Inaugural Siege Tournament are almost complete! Sign-ups are going very well with 4 teams already signed up. We’re very excited to get the tournament underway on the 27th! Get more information here.

    Nostalgia Hits FK
    After the release of C&C Red Alert I was hit by a wave of nostalgia bringing me back to when I first fell in love with gaming. I wanted to revel in easier and simpler times so I asked all of you: "What made you a life long gamer?" Here are some of the answers. 
    Trainer's Corner 
    New tag appointees will now be recognized in upcoming INTREPs
    To acquire tags in any discipline it takes time, effort, and skill. New tag appointees will now be recognized in the last INTREP of the month starting now. We want to be able to take our time to congratulate those who put in the work and have earned their tags. If you're interested in gaining tags for any discipline please check out our training area on the forums.
    Medical Training Team Update
    The surge of new medic evals and training sessions has been handled and @Griffin68965 has stepped down, allowing @FloofyFloof to be appointed to Medical Trainer.  Though things have been rocky for the Medical Training Team here recently, the training team and the staff team are confident the hardest part is behind us. 
    Community Spotlight
    The Siege of Madrigal | A story in ArmA 3 Milsim - Miffidruf
    @Miffidurf has made this awesome youtube video showcasing one of our recent Operation Trebuchet Missions! Check it out and show him some support!
    Elite Dangerous Squadron
    We now have an official FK Gaming Squadron on Elite Dangerous. To join all you have to do is search "FK Gaming" under Squadrons. If you would like more information contact @Rabit Salvokelk or @Rhea. Please remember that to join this Squadron you must be active in FK for at least 1 month. (Reg tags are not required)
    Sorry about the late INTREP guys but we wanted to make sure the Rainbow Six Siege Tournament got the proper amount of attention on the front page. Due to this our next INTREP will come out on the 13th of July - and that will be the ONLY issue for that month. INTREP schedule will return to normal in August. 

    INTREP 018

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 5,426 views
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Community Manager Applications
    Please remember that the Community Manager applications remain open, but will be closing soon. If you are interested in becoming a Community Manager please fill out an application here. 
    Showing appreciation - @kMaN 
    It's always a good thing to see when community members go out of their way to show appreciation for a staff member who has gone above and beyond the duties of their roles. That's what @Servok did in the community feedback forum in a thread aptly named "kMaN you a Fucking Great Cunt".
    kMaN joined us as part of the BSO merger back in Oct 2018 since then he has been the keeper of the boxes, the restarter of the servers, and the go-to guy when something just isn't quite working right. kMaN responds to any request or question with immediate action. We are blessed to have this man be a part of FK Gaming and are thrilled to call him a part of our Staff. Thank you for all you do kMaN! 
    Public Relations Operations
    Operation: Planting the Sead featuring Oper8Heaven and Team Brrrt
    Our event on Saturday went great! A few hiccups here and there were expected and some great feedback has been gathered by our guests and community members ensuring a smoother more enjoyable mission for all in the future. All-in-all it seems everyone enjoyed the Event and are looking forward to more in the future! If you have any mission ideas, or maybe know a unit or clan that would be interested in participating please contact @Rhea. 
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    Trainer's Corner
    Team Lead/2IC changes 
    Since getting his role as Squad Lead Trainer @Monocled Badger has been busy at work updating the training guides. In his article "Team Leader Tag & Process Changes" he states:
    "As a result of the modern template being 10-man with 2 fire-teams, the old 2IC tag was grandfathered into the Team Lead role. However after discussions with members of the  community and the other Squad Lead trainers, there is a concern that the grandfathering and conception of the 2IC role does not fit the current role of a Team Leader - additionally there is often confusion of what the Team Lead role exactly does and their place in the Squad due to the grandfathering/conflating it with the 2IC role that previously existed.
    We seek to remedy this by two methods.
    Publish Material on the role and responsibilities of a Team Leader Change the evaluation process for Team Leader Tags and slightly alter Squad Leader Tag acquisition as a result."  Regardless of your interest in team leading or squad leading please take a moment to read through these articles as it will effect every squad member. "
    @Garfield Joins the Squad Lead Trainer Team
    Alongside @Monocled Badger . @BigT and @Servok Garfield is now a Squad Lead Trainer. If you have any questions for the trainers, or wish to request a training or evaluation please visit the FK Squad Lead/Platoon Lead Training Discord.
    @Hyxogen joins the RTO Trainer Team
    He will be available immediately to schedule RTO training sessions or evaluations, alongside the current RTO trainers. If you would like to schedule RTO training or evaluations please message an RTO trainer on the forums. For more information about what RTO does and guides please visit the training forums.
    CSAR Tags have been removed
    After months of discussions, the Medical Training Team has decided to do away with CSAR Tags. With CSAR missions being few and far between, and the role requiring no more medical knowledge than that of a medic tag holder- the time has come to retire the tag. The new slotting procedure for CSAR missions will proceed as follows:
    The leader of the CSAR group: Medical and leadership tags (both at the same time) Medical tags Regs+ Everyone Regular CSAR team members will be slotted as medics If you have any questions about the CSAR procedures, or Medical Training in general please visit the FK Medical Training Discord.
    Community News
    @Monocled Badger is promoted to the rank of veteran!
    During his 3 year tenure as a community regular Badger has devoted his time and effort to making countless Arma 3 guides and has taken a proactive approach to training and guiding new players. Please congratulate him on his promotion when you see him next! 
    Gaming News
    Tarkov update released and global character wipe
    Borderlands: The Handsome Collection FREE on the Epic Games Store
    Command and Conquer Remastered Collection out June 5th - Pre-Order available on Steam
    INTREP CoverPhoto Credit - @Mittens "We killed two groups and extracted." To see some of Mitten's exploits in Tarkov check out his Youtube Channel!

    INTREP 017

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 2,545 views
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Andy Steps Down
              It is with a heavy heart that we must announce that @andyt90 will be stepping down from his roles as CM and Squad Lead trainer. He will remain in post for a few days after this announcement to tie up any loose ends. Andy has served as a staff member since Moderators were first introduced. He has been with the community through thick and thin, and has had enormous resolve to endure all his positions have thrown at him. We would all like to thank him a hundred times over for the time and effort he has put into making this community a better place for all, and look forward to continuing to hear his shouty squad leading for some time.
    Think Tank Applications
          Due to a few changes within the Think Tank memberships we are again advertising that applications are always open. Apply Here.
    Public Relations Operations
    TeamBrrrt and Oper8Heaven will join us for a main mission
              On Saturday May 30th TeamBrrrt and Oper8Heaven will join FK Gaming in an event mission Zeus'd by @Wattsits. Check out the calendar for more information!
    @Legendo Takes over as Public Relations Liaison.
              Legendo will be taking over for @andyt90 as Public Relations Liaison. Any issues or concerns regarding the Public Relations Team please contact him. If you have any ideas, suggestions, or topics that the PR team might be interested in please forward them to @Chuck Yeager or @Rhea.
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    Trainer's Corner
    Basic trainer tag
              Basic Trainers now have a tag! @ThePointForward @Jerichron and @Monocled Badger now have a dedicated tag for Basic Training. This tags is for the trainers only. There will not be a "basic training" tag given to thous who have passed training at this time. 
    Squad Lead Training Changes
              @Monocled Badger Has been promoted to Squad Lead Trainer along side @BigT and @Servok. We wish him well in his new position. To request Squad Lead training or evaluations please fill out this form. 
    Command Training Discord
              Command Training - PLT and SL now have their own shared training discord. If you're interested in SL or PLT training, or have a question for the trainers you can join their discord here.
    Guide: What to ask during briefing
              @Monocled Badger has made a detailed guide on what Squad Leaders should be considering during PLT briefing. Definitely worth a read if you're planning on Squad Leading! Read more here.
              Starting this week, the two "trainer herders" @Tomo and @ThePointForward will be conducting a trainer review. This review will include speaking to each trainer individually and asking a number of questions to check up on how they are coping. Trainers, expect to be reached out to shortly. 
    Meet-Up Update
    2020 Meet-Up Officially Cancelled
             " So pretty much the inevitable time has come to say the 2020 meetup is going to have to be cancelled. As it stands anyone coming from outside of the UK would need to go through a 14 day isolation and IMO if it was UK only people I believe we would struggle to get the 15 required to book the air-soft site (if it even reopens). I will be contacting John to inform him as he hasn't indicated our booking was cancelled at all yet due to circumstances. We will probably wait until this whole Corona issue dissipates to make any decisions/announcements about a 2021 meetup, but hopefully with this years being cancelled more can make it next year for an even bigger and better one! Hope everyone is well and staying safe, you bunch of nerds..." - @Winters (Benji) 10/05/2020
              For more information about the Meet-up please visit the Meet-Up Discord
    INTREP Photo Credit - @Articwinter "A trip to the mountings of Vinje on a day off"

    Community Behaviour Update

    By mrrbatty, in Community News, , 4 comments, 3,838 views
    Hello folks, today I'd like to write a short message to the community regarding things I've witnessed being said to the staff team in the last month or so, and from general feedback I've had from the staff team.
    As the "admin" for FK now, my main responsibility is managing the day to day technical jobs that FK requires, however I also find myself trying to ensure that the staff team can perform their jobs as easily as possible, and are as low-stress as they can be. After all, every staff member is a volunteer for this community, and simply want FK to continue to be a fun and happy place to hang out, talk smack to friends, and play games in. What I've found in the last month (and that I saw as well during my time as a Technician) is that there is a select few members of the community that try and make staff members lives hard, continually challenging them over the smallest things, acting as if they are above other members of the community, and generally not treating the staff team with a basic level of respect I would expect volunteers who work to make the community to be better - to be treated.
    So consider this a gentle reminder to anyone who thinks they shouldn't be treating staff with basic levels of respect, that you should be. I have heard plenty of stories lately of staff members feeling that all their work for the community gets critiqued a lot for tiny, mundane reasons, and if all the work you did was treated like that, I'm sure you'd feel the same. Remember that even if you don't agree with something in the community, you can work together with staff to highlight your questions over a piece of work/staff decision, rather than start critiquing it without any effort to fix the problem.
    Staff keep FK running, and do a lot of work people don't ever see in the background to keep the community a fun place to be (I can confirm this, sitting in on 3+ hour staff meetings every week), so make sure you remember that going forward.
    And as an extra reminder going forward, I want to highlight a saying I think still holds true today, said by some of our original founders Mavy & GreybeardRalph a long time ago; "The time you spend in FK is a privilege, not a right".
    I know staff members have to put up with a lot of things they shouldn't have to, and I know first hand that it has been extremely hard on them at points. I am happy to advise the staff team going forward that if a community member is causing more harm than good in regards to causing problems with staff for no justified reason, they will be told to sit outside of the community for a period of time to think about all of the work that the staff team do for them, for the good of them, and the community.
    To wrap this post up, if you do appreciate the work that the staff team do for you, and raise any issues you have in a straightforward and sensible way to them - thank you. You are the kind of community member that I know all of the staff team enjoy working for, to make your time as happy as possible whilst hanging around here. I'm sure just about everyone reading this post is that person. But take a moment to think of the work the staff team does and the fact that they are human beings too, just like you. 
    - mrrbatty

    INTREP 016

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 3,705 views
    INTREPS will now be released on the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. We're hoping this change will bring about bigger, more in-depth articles and allow for more interesting topics! 
    Meeting Reports
    A Message From the Community Managers
    The Community Managers would like to remind all members of the community to report any person witnessed breaking community rules regardless of their status.
    The Community Managers want to stress that EVERY report of rule breaking is taken seriously and investigated fully and impartially. Nepotism, and favoritism will not be tolerated. If you feel that any member of this community whether they be an FNG, Veteran, or even a Community Manager has broken any rule you have a duty to report it. 
    Every staff member in this community is a volunteer who dedicates their free time to ensure this platform runs smoothly. They are human beings who endure stress, and suffer through bad days just like the rest of us. Though we thank them for their contributions to FK, that does not mean that they are treated any differently than anyone else when they break the rules. 
    There are multiple ways in which you can make an official report, please choose whatever one is most comfortable for you.
    1) Speak to any staff member on TS 
    2) Send a message to any staff member on the forums
    3) Send a message to any staff member on discord
    4) Submit Anonymous Feedback on the forums (please note: All CMs, Techs, and Moderators can see this area)
    All reports will be taken confidentially, only those who NEED TO KNOW your name will know. 
    Staff News
    Mavy has decided to take a step back from the community.  In his stead @mrrbatty will be handling the admin duties. We will keep you updated on any changes in the future. These changes will not affect the current operations of FKgaming.
    Rhea has returned to her role as a Public Relations Officer. She, along with the other Public Relations Officers will report directly to @andyt90. Please remember that applications are still open and the Public Relations Team is still looking for more volunteers. To apply fill out the application HERE.
    PR News Room
    Celebrating a Milestone
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    FK Games
    From this point on, to join any FK Gaming branded clan/squad/or group within games a player must have a forum account at least 1 month in age and in good standing (no bans) regardless of regular status. Any players currently admitted to these groups will be grandfathered in. This is to protect the FK Gaming brand from being abused by those who join only to harass, grief, and break rules. Below are some links to the groups we now have active. Check out the Misc Games section on the forums for more. 
    Planet Side 2, Destiny 2, War Thunder 
    Calendar Events
    With everyone stuck inside with nothing to do, our Calendar is filling up quick! Check out these new events and enable notifications for "#events" on our discord to keep up to date on new events that have been added!
    Oh hia! guess who's back! You know I love making these INTREPs for you guys but I'd also love to have you, as community members become a part of these INTREPS.
    If you would like to participate in writing an article yourself, or have an idea for an article please contact Rhea. We welcome the community's involvement in the INTREPs!
    INTREP Photo Credit - @Malbryn "Sarissa with his soviet pringles tube" 

    New ACE Medical system requires Medic tag wipe

    By Chuck Yeager, in Training, , 1 comment, 5,687 views
    FK will introduce a new modpack on April 27th, 2020. The modpack introduces new assets and maps, but the biggest change to your gameplay will be the new ACE medical system. Due to the complete change of the current medical system, all current medic tag holders will have to re-do their medical evaluation. The medical trainers have created this article to help you get up to speed.
    The following text has been submitted by @johnb43, Medical Trainer
    The new medical system changes things drastically:
    Ace now simulates body armor, although it doesn’t break. This means you are a lot tankier when being shot in the chest. However, you can and will die easily to a single shot to the face. Helmets reduce the chance of dying significantly if the bullet hits the helmet. Morphine is quite dangerous if not used properly. Fluids are very important - stop the bleeding as soon as possible! Bandaging times have gone up quite a bit, depending if you are a medic or not. and lots more... The medical trainers urge everyone to read the rifleman medical basics, but also “how to handle casualties - for everyone”, since this update entails a lot of changes:
    Missions as a whole will be significantly different, same goes for pacing.
    Tag removal, trainings and evals
    Since this update has changed the medical system dramatically, the medical trainers are removing everyone’s tags the day the modset goes live. They will be holding training sessions for both riflemen and medics until the new modset will be released for those who want to be prepared and for those who might want to be evaled within the first weeks of the new modset release.
    From when this post is released, Regulars+ can apply for evals and in mission trainings. Be mindful that those who have medical tags currently have a higher priority over people who do not have tags for trainings and evals for a month (might be extended). Just PM the medical trainers or ask in the medial discord in the “eval-and-training-requests” channel. There is a link in the medical training room description on the teamspeak for access to the medical discord or here https://discord.gg/mhFGM6D.
    Once new ace is live, a medical feedback thread will be made, so you can share your thoughts and concerns.

    April 2020 Modpack

    By Tomo, in Server news, , 4 comments, 77,277 views
    After many weeks of hard work, it's here! The latest iteration of our Arma modpack. This modpack is the result of a new process with a Mod Testing Team, and I thank all who contributed for their hard work during the process. For the mods themselves, we have had a large cycle of maps in and out, hopefully these will bring a fresh spin to our missions!
    This new modset will be live on FK1 from Monday, the 27th of April. Updates to various internal mods and changes to the servers will happen at some point after main the previous day, and before next main.
    These updates include two major changes to our modset and play. I'm sure most of you will have heard of the new ACE medical rewrite update, and this will now be live with the modset change. Please read the documentation and posts by the medical trainers on this matter, they are very important!

    Additionally, we will be replacing a core mod to our Zeus tools for many years, Achilles. This will be replaced by Zeus Enhanced, a more refined mod that does much of the same, and better in many cases. For end users it is largely similar, but differences and nuances might prove for some small teething issues in the short term, so be patient with Zeuses. Changes include (but are not limited to) a new right click context menu for various tasks, image previews for objects like in the editor, and many customisation options to suit your preferences!
    Below you will find a full list of what's come and gone, but the important parts are next: Mod Presets!
    The simplest way to get the new modset ready will be to import our new official FK Modset April 2020 HTML file. Instructions on how to do this can be found here.
    Because FK Mods and FK ACE are still being used for main missions until release date, if you want try out the new mods on the second server in the meantime you will need to use the FK 2 PRERELEASE Week Preset. Please only use this preset for the coming week until release on FK1.
    A10 Warthog (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) Advanced Urban Rappelling v1.0h AV-8b Harrier 2 (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) Brush Clearing Eurofighter Typhoon AWS F-15 Silent Eagle (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) F-16 Fighting Falcon (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) F-35B (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) Fapovo Island Federally Administered Tribal Areas (aka PR FATA) FIR AWS (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) GRAD Trenches ILBE Assault Pack - Rewrite MrSanchez' Headlamps Mull of Kintyre NATO EU + OTher EUropean NAtions REtex PAck (With a custom fix for item values being added to FK Mods) Prone Launcher (Integrated into FK Mods) Reshmaan Province Saint Kapaulio SFP: Swedish Forces Pack SU-25SM3 Grach (Formerly in Firewill Aviation Complete) SU-35 Flanker E Task Force Timberwolf Female Characters (Integrated into FK Mods) Vinjesvingen Virolahti - Valtatie 7 VET_Unflipping Zeus Enhanced + ACE Compat (Integrated into FK Mods) Removed
    ACE Splint (Part of FK Mods, ACE has its own now) Achilles (Part of FK Mods, Being replaced by ZEN) Advanced Urban Rappelling (Formerly Serverside only, with Client Optional. Being replaced by a variant of the mod) Angola Maps v1.3 Anizay Farkhar Valley FFAA Mod + ACE Compat FIREWILL Aviation Pack (Complete) - (Being replaced by a few individual planes from the pack) FRL - Kunduz Hellanmaa Lingor/Dingor Island Medic Bag Prei Khmaoch Luong - Legacy Edition Ruha
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