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    Stuff about changes comes in here

    INTREP 031

    By Rabit Salvokelk, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,368 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published Monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    New member of the PR team
             @Fred has joined the PR team. Now it is no secret that even before joining PR Fred was doing some great work with FNF: Organising FK members to join different events and the regular weekly fights. Other than that he has also been doing some work with other outside communities always looking for something interesting to throw in the mix. Join us in wishing Fred luck in his role as a new Public Relations Officer.
    Mod testing is ongoing
              Mod Suggestions thread is now closed, mod testing is about to start however and the testing team is still open for new applicants. If you are interested see HERE. 
    Please note: If you were a member previously you will have to reapply as this group was purged to make sure the Team is constantly active each cycle. Should you have any questions about Mod Testing or the Team, please contact @Cyico or @Garfield
    Public Relations Operations
    FNF Titans
             FNF group has set up an event "FNF Titans" which will be broadcasted and shouted on multiple twitch accounts as shown below. If you wish for more information check THIS event. They are still looking for an extra back-up member so please message @Fred if you are interested. The event is just around the corner so join us in rooting for our own FK team participating in this event:
    Streaming from his perspective: FRED
    Shoutcasting: BarbarianWeeb and Lcpl_Liru
    Additional perspectives from FNF admins: Nemesis and SLDream
    Twitter  /  Youtube  /  Twitch  /  Reddit
    Trainer's Corner 
    Zeus tags application and evaluation system update
             An updated forum post on Zeus tags can be found below. A quote from the trainers says:  "There are no major changes, just a small cleanup and addition of a few points of clarification." Please feel free to turn to the relevant trainers or the trainer herdsman should you have any questions regarding this specific or any school of tags. You can join the training discord HERE.
    Community News
    New Veteran promotion
             @Malbryn has been promoted to the rank of veteran by the staff team, join us in congratulating him. If you feel like you wish to suggest someone who might be similarly ready for this kind of a promotion, feel free to use Suggest a Veteran form.
    Townhall #2 electric boogaloo
             Our very own @Monocled Badger has masterminded and run the first successful Townhall event, the second one is going to be run on March 13th, also visible in the calendar. An introductory post and more information on what it is and how to take part can be found HERE.
    Miscellaneous servers for custom games
             This time around it seems @AntiMatter is running not one but TWO Minecraft servers simultaneously (threads below). @Jerichron is organizing a privately hosted Vallheim server, if your interest is piqued you could contact him for details on how to join.
    Upcoming Events
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Wattsits from his Operation: Rush-maan Provence
    Things are going great here, hope y'all doing well - 🐇 Rabit

    INTREP 030

    By Rabit Salvokelk, in Community News, , 0 comments, 5,256 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Tomo stepping down from CM
             We have requested @Tomo to write a personal message to the community as he is stepping down from his role as a Community Manager:
    "Hi everyone. This period of the year marks 1 whole year I've been in the Community Manager role. It's been a very difficult year, both personally and "professionally". I don't do much outside of FK due to my personal circumstances, and as such poured a lot of myself into my role and helping out where I can. I even put too much in many places, and I apologise to my CM colleagues if I ever overstepped any boundaries.
    I believe that my appointment was somewhat controversial, and I hope to have at least partially quelled some doubts, and I hope too that on balance I achieved some good in helping this community continue to exist despite the odds for most ArmA communities, and even to thrive.
    My stepping down is mostly for personal reasons, such as my own health. I won't spill all here in a public fashion, but you are welcome to come and ask me privately if you wish.
    I will also not be disappearing completely. I will still maintain my Trainer positions of Platoon and Zeus, in order to continue to help my colleagues in the CM Team and community members alike. Hopefully with more energy available you will see more activity from me in these roles to try and keep things moving.
    Finally, I want to thank all of my colleagues in the CM Team past and present. For those of you who were keeping track, myself and Point were the only remaining members from the CM Team at my time of appointment still around, until my stepping down. We all know how difficult a role CM can be, and I hope I can impress upon everyone else reading with this fact at just how bad it can be. Please, remember to give the CM Team some slack. We are all humans, volunteers, and have jobs and lives to lead. It can be difficult to get together and get something done outside of the few hours each Sunday we agree to meet up. Rest assured, CMs always try their best to do what they think is best for the community at large.
    Goodbye all, I'll see you around  "
    CM roles reassignment
             As @Tomo was a CM of many talents the team has decided to reassign these roles and responsibilities of his as follows: @ThePointForward has (re)taken the role of Trainer Herdsman, @Cyico and @Garfield have taken the mod testing team head role and @Rabit Salvokelk has thrown his hat in the ring to be the third person in charge of calendar missions approval. To see who our staff team consists of and which Community Manager has which roles check THIS area.
    Public Relations Operations
    PR team (still) looking for a third
             As we move further into the new year, the PR team find's itself in need of a third officer to complete all the tasks scheduled for 2021. We will be looking for someone who has enough free time to help the PR team with posting weekly, biweekly, and monthly ads on a scheduled basis to reddit, steam, and other platforms (approximately 2hrs / week). Any photoshop, video editing, or video recording experience or skills are a plus. To apply please fill out an application HERE.
    Twitter  /  Youtube  /  Twitch  /  Reddit
    Trainer's Corner 
    FAC Tag changes
              @Garfield and @LurkerOne have been working on their roles as interim FAC trainers and introduced new changes to the tag as it is. Should you have an interest in how the tag itself or evals for it would work please feel free to check the link below and/or contact the trainers themselves should anything remain unclear.
    Community News
    New privately hosted RUST server
             @Beshman has set up a new rust server for us in FK to enjoy. The server itself is whitelist only and has some settings differentiating from the official experience. Please see the thread to get more information on the whole thing.
    New Minecraft Modded Server (FTB Presents Direwolf20) is now live
             @AntiMatter had conducted a poll which was to determine the next modpack for his privately hosted Minecraft server. The poll has concluded and the new server set up. Please have a look at the thread below to get whitelisted if interested.
    Upcoming Events
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @L00_Cyph3r taken from his main mission "Save the princess"
    Hope you are all doing well and enjoying your stay here. - 🐇 Rabit

    INTREP 029

    By Rabit Salvokelk, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,718 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published monthly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    New Moderators
             At this point it is no longer a surprise that we have three new moderators from the start of December. Please join us in welcoming @AngryScottishMan, @LurkerOne and @Wattsits into the staff team role and wishing them luck on their journey with FK Gaming.
    Rhea's Extended Leave of Absence
             @Rhea will continue her leave of absence into February. In the mean time @Rabit Salvokelk will be taking over the INTREP. Any other PR related inquiries should be handled by @Rabit Salvokelk or @OneMadPanda.
    Public Relations Operations
    PR team looking for a third
             As we move into the new year, the PR team find's itself in need of a third officer to complete all the tasks scheduled for 2021. We will be looking for someone who has enough free time to help the PR team with posting weekly, biweekly, and monthly ads on a scheduled basis to reddit, steam, and other platforms (approximately 2hrs / week). Any photoshop, video editing, or video recording experience or skills are a plus. To apply please fill out an application HERE.
    INTREP Changes
             The PR team has decided that in 2021 INTREPs will change from being Bi-Weekly to Monthly. This will allow for more news to be covered in one INTREP. Instead of articles that are less than a paragraph long, or that are not interesting to the community - Articles will now be longer, more thought out, and cover more important topics. Not only does this make INTREPs more interesting, but it also allows the front page to be open for more stand alone posts that require it. INTREPs should from this point forward be published on the 1st of every month.
    Twitter  /  Youtube  /  Twitch  /  Reddit
    Trainer's Corner 
    New Training Discord
             @Monocled Badger went through a rigorous process of consolidating all training discord servers into one. This does not change much in terms of acquiring tags however it reduces the amount of different discord servers that players who wish for training or evaluating need to be a part of. In addition the CM team hopes that this change will aid in bettering communications between training teams and the staff team. Many thanks for Badger and the team that helped put this entire thing together and we wish the team good fortune in maintaining it. To request tags or training from any discipline join the new FK Training Discord HERE.

    New Interim FAC and RTO Trainers
             After a long process of application and deliberation the CM team is announcing @LurkerOne and @Garfield as interim FAC as well as RTO Trainers. We are all curious to see what they will achieve and how in their new roles. It will certainly be an interesting process to observe given one of these specific training roles history. A big thank you for them stepping up as they have.
    Community News
    New Modpack for Minecraft
             @AntiMatter is looking to putting together a new Modpack for the unofficial MC server he has been hosting for a while now. Head over to this LINK and vote for the pack you might be interested in playing, but hurry as the poll will only be up for a limited time.
    Steam key giveaways
             It has been a running theme of people giving away steam keys they have acquired but do not wish to use or need themselves, this time the heroes that are giving away free loot are @Sarissa and @LurkerOne. To check out the lists of games see below threads and do not forget to thank them if you find anything that piques your interest.
    Upcoming Events
    INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @Sarissa from Vietnamization (UNSUNG) event
    Hope you all had nice holidays and the new year is looking more promising than ever.  - 🐇 Rabit

    INTREP 028

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 5,486 views
    INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    Community Manager Tasks
    Some of the Community Manager's tasks have changed with the inclusion of the new CMs @Monocled Badger and @Spartan_MiniMe. Visit the Staff Directory to see what tasks are attributed to what Community Manager.
    The holiday season is here, and therefore we may see that some staff are less available. Please keep this is in mind for the upcoming month. A happy staff is a well rested staff that has time to focus on family as well as their responsibilities here. 
    Public Relations Operations
    Ideas for the new year
    As always- PR is accepting any and all ideas and feedback from community members especially as we move forward through the end of 2020 and the start of 2021. What would you like to see more of in the new year? Contact @Rhea or @Deltabacon with any and all suggestions!
    Twitter  /  Youtube  /  Twitch  /  Reddit
    Trainer's Corner 
    A call for New Trainers
    Following the FAC trainers relinquishing their roles we are now looking for more trainers. If you are not interested in FAC, but have another discipline that you feel you may be capable of teaching- please message the Trainer Herdsmen @Monocled Badger or @Tomo. 
    A Zeus's Guide to LAMBS 
    @Jerichron has published an in depth guide to how to Zeus with our new LAMBS AI. Worth a cursory look through even if you never plan on Zeusing - This guide explains the ins and outs of the new AI. To find this guide, check HERE. To see more guides for other disciplines visit the guide section HERE.
    Squad Leader Tag Evaluation change
    The Squad Lead Trainers have conducted a review of their process and have lowered the minimum required Evaluations for the Squad Leader tag to 2, down from 3. Now is a good time if you've been thinking about going for it but holding it off. For more information feel free to look at the announcement post or the essential information post.
    Community News
    Remember when...
    Huge shout out to Mr.Batty and @Doctadoone for preserving these memories and uploading them for all to see!
    It's been quite a while since our last INTREP. INTREP 027 was published over a month ago now. The reason it's taken so long for this issue to be released was due to other stories taking precedence over the front page of our website. It was more important this month for you to receive those articles than it was to publish an INTREP. That being said- this is the last INTREP of the year and the PR team will be taking the majority of Dec off and picking things back up in January. Happy Holidays everyone!
    - ❤️ Rhea

    FK Secret Santa: Digital Edition

    By Spartan_MiniMe, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,975 views
    FK Secret Santa
    Due to the ongoing global pandemic, and the stresses that has caused on postal services this year's secret Santa will be a bit different. This year we will allowing only digital gifts to be given via Steam. While we understand that this is a break from the norm, it is a necessary one to keep everyone safe- and to not contribute to the already over stressed postal services across the globe. Despite these changes we hope that we can continue this tradition in good spirit, and celebrate the holiday season together.
    The Process: 
    If you would like to participate in this years Secret Santa please fill out the form below HERE
    You will then be matched up with another participant who you will be responsible for gifting to
    Please do take your time and check not only the information given to you about your gift receiver, but check out their steam Wishlist as well
    Send your gift by Dec 25th 
    The Rules:
    NSFW games are not allowed
    Please stick to games on your receivers Wishlist, or games you really think they will enjoy - gag gifts are fun, but disappointing when expecting a real gift
    Please keep gifts at around £ 20
    Unfortunately, there is no way to send anonymous gifts via steam - so this year will not be so secret but please do not ruin the surprise 
    If you can not give a gift, do not sign up to participate
    For more information or if you have any questions please message @Spartan_MiniMe directly.

    November 2020 Costs & Donations

    By mrrbatty, in Website news, , 2 comments, 3,788 views
    Hello all, I thought it was about time to sit down and update the costs for the FK servers/licenses currently, and let you know a bit about the work I've been doing since taking over from @Mavy. Since taking over from him I've been looking at our current costs (as they have not been updated in 2+ years even after changes in infrastructure) with the Tech team and how to cut some costs, some of which I've already done, and others I still have yet to do. So, let me recap on our changes before I get into the current costings.
    FK 2 has been replaced
    Something I noticed as soon as I looked at our current FK infrastructure is that FK 2, our 'carbon copy' of the ARMA box we use for FK 1, is used perhaps 1% of the time, and was just as expensive as FK 1 to run, clocking in at just over €40 a month. A bit steep, right? Thus last month we didn't renew that box and instead refreshed FK 2 with a virtual server hosted on our lovely Aux server hosted by @kMaNand @Garfield (This also hosts FK ARMA 2/3/4/5, FTP Server, ARMA Admin/ARA Stuff, DCS Server, sometimes Minecraft). This effectively reduces required donations by over 40 euro a month as we are already paying for the FK Aux box. 
    FK Website
    As you may remember, the FK website was running quite slowly 6+ months ago, down to a mix of our provider and generally the FK website framework not being super robust. Before he left, Mavy moved us to a new cloud-based solution which sped up page loading a good amount, however he left shortly after this migration and didn't see the increase in costs caused by this migration, to costing over €100 a month in hosting the website, and associated logging/certificate management/DNS management. This is usually offset by the generous donations we receive, but it is still a large amount of money monthly and something I don't particularly enjoy paying for. Since removing FK 2, cutting this cost is my next task. Short term I will be looking to decrease the amount of resources allocated by this provider to reduce costs, and potentially long term looking at switching provider. 
    Website Modules
    Due to them not being particularly used, I have stopped paying for two website licenses; Videobox and Steam Profiles. This doesn't actually change much as the website will still feature these functions, however they won't be featured in any places and some of the Twitch functionality has been removed as it didn't really work anyway. If any website updates break these further (no license = no support/updates), they will be removed completely.
    Anyway, after those updates, let's move on to the current costs. 
    Updated Costs
    Type Name Collected Monthly Cost License Website License 6 Monthly (€40) €6.70 License Website Module - Awards Yearly (€7) €0.60 License Website Module - Automation Rules Yearly (€25) €2.10 License Website Module - TS Yearly (€15) €1.25 License Website Module - Discord Yearly (€10) €0.84 Hosting Website Monthly €134.30 Hosting FK ARMA 1 Monthly €41.00 Hosting Teamspeak Monthly €6.00 License Teamspeak Yearly (€0) €0.00 Hosting Bot Server Monthly €3.00 Hosting Email Hosting Monthly €5.00 Hosting FK Aux Server Monthly €92.10 Montly Total €292.89 Thus the new donations total will be €293, for ease (€0.11 buys me a beer in like, a year right?). I completely admit that this increased goal is a lot to do with the website hosting, so it will be rectified as soon as I have time to figure it out.
    Updating the donations page
    One of the points in passing from Mavy when he left was his plan to merge all the donations goals back into a singular goal for ease, and I agree with his intentions. This will make donations much easier to manage in the future, ensure costs are distributed evenly between FK 'services', and I will continue to ensure that costs are passed to kMaN and Garfield to pay for the Aux server (as they are kind enough to host that for us). 
    To conclude...
    That was a lot to take in! I'm glad you stuck around to read all this boring stuff. As always, my DMs are open for you to slide into if you'd like to discuss any of this, or reach me on Discord.
    Everyone who donates to FK has my eternal gratitude for continuing to host a community I'm proud to be a part of.

    November 2020 Modpack

    By Tomo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,551 views
    After many weeks of hard work, it's here! The latest update to our main Arma modpack. This modpack is the result of the second iteration of our Mod Testing Team process, and I would like to thank all who contributed for their hard work during the process. It's not a massive overhaul of an update, but we're adding a few interesting mods with some new toys to play with, as well as welcoming back a few older maps we've not had since 2018, so older members can look forward to some nostalgia there! The biggest addition of toys is likely Project Blufor, which cleverly uses gear from various mods we already have along with some high quality retextures and guns used with permission from other mods to create a number of new, mostly European factions! Highlights include French units with FAMAS', Czechs with CZ Bren's, and Canadians with C7s!
    One final notable addition is that of LAMBS_Danger.fsm. This is an AI enhancement mod that works alongside Zeus with new waypoints and modules along with tweaking their default behaviour in combat scenarios to bring a much more interesting and intelligent enemy. Zeuses do be sure to be aware of your smartened up tools, and players look forward to more challenging and varied encounters!
    While it may look like we've added a lot of mods but not lost a lot, the data size of the modpack has stayed more or less the same, at roughly 63GB. For those interested, here are some stats:
    Old (April) Modset Size (MB):  62809
    New Mods (MB):  5141
    Removed Mods (MB):  4799
    New Modset Size (MB):  63151
    Current (April) Mods Count: 47 
    New Modset Count: 54 (5 removed, 11 added)
    Anyway, on to the main details! This new modset will be live on FK1 from Monday, the 23rd of November. Updates to various internal mods and changes to the servers will happen at some point after main the previous day, and before the next main mission.
    Below you will find a full list of what's come and gone, but the important parts are next: Mod Presets!
    The simplest way to get the new modset ready will be to import our new official FK Modset November 2020 HTML file. Instructions on how to do this can be found here. Remember we will not be using this preset until Monday the 23rd.
    Because FK Mods is still being used for main missions until release date, if you want try out the new mods on the second server in the meantime you will need to use the FK 2 PRERELEASE Week Preset. Please only use this preset if you want to try out the new mods on FK2 before full release on FK1, where both servers will use the main preset from the above point.
    A3 Thermal Improvement (Formerly whitelisted only) Distrikt 41 - Ruegen Em_Buildings (Dependency for Distrikt 41) F/A-18 Super Hornet 2020 (replacing the abandoned version we currently have) Isla Abramia Isla Duala LAMBS_Danger.fsm Napf Island A3 Portable Drone Project Blufor Project - Future Vertical Lift Removed
    F/A-18 Super Hornet Federally Administered Tribal Areas (aka PR FATA) FRXA TFAR Retextured Equipment Mull of Kintyre SFP: Swedish Forces Pack  

    New Community Managers Announcement

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 6 comments, 2,672 views
    Please welcome @Monocled Badger and @Spartan_MiniMe to the Community Manager Team!
              Badger is a veteran most known for his ability to teach and explain Arma 3 disciplines in guides. He currently is a Basic Trainer and a Squad Lead Trainer. Badger has been part of the community for 3 years off and on, and during his down time he enjoys crocheting.
              Spartan has held many roles within FK, from Medic Trainer to Moderator and we're happy to see him now pick up the mantle of Community Manager. Spartan is most known for his notable contributions to his roles, and his love for Anime. Spartan lives in California USA making him the first Community Manager from the United States of America.
    Please allow our new CMs to settle into their roles before bombarding them with questions and demands.
    Welcome to the team gentlemen! 

    Photo credit to @Timberhawk

    Running Man 2035 2nd Annual Charity Event

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,273 views
    November 1st kicks off the start to our 2nd Annual Running Man Charity Event!
    Saturday November 7th 4pm GMT
    The event will be streamed live on twitch.tv/fkgaming_eu
    7 Runners, 5 Hunters, 1 Winner! 
    Watch as Oper8 Heaven Hunters chase down:
    -FK Gaming
    -Tactical Training Team
    -Taskforce Auscorp
    -Team Brrt
    Those who perform the best will reap their rewards: prizes ranging from DLC to a signed photo from the Mayor of Aberystwyth to a limited edition print from a top UK artist!
    PLUS : Prizes for top Donators!
    The highest individual donator will win an Arma DLC of their choice!
    The community who donates the most collectively (be sure to list your group/unit when donating) will win a 3 month dedicated server from ArmaHosts!
    PLUS!!! If we surpass our €2000 goal that prize DOUBLES into a 6 MONTH dedicated server!!
    Medecins Sans Frontieres / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) provides medical care worldwide to people affected by conflict & disasters. MSF has been busier than ever during the Covid-19 Pandemic providing support around the world to keep essential medical services running smoothly. To read more about their response to Covid-19 visit their website HERE. Please take a moment, even if you do not plan on donating to read about MSF and the work they do. 
    Visit the Donation page
    Don't forget to list your group/unit when donating
    Thank you for helping us support such a worthy cause!

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