This week at FK! Week of 27/02/2017
Sarissa, in Server news, , 0 comments, 2,709 views
So what have we got coming up these next 7 days? Why, a whole lotta training of course!
On Thursday, March 2nd Netheral will be teaching you the basics of SL & PltHQ operations! More info here
On Saturday, March 4th I'll be teaching some of you how to be a do-gooding medical hero! Read my fabulous description here
And immediately following my training (that's also on Sat, Mar 4) Netheral is hosting more crazy shenannigans at the Great FK Festival Vol. 2! Oh boy!
And let's not forget our brand new players; Slouchy has you covered on Sunday, March 5th. He's hosting another of his Simple Sessions so you can learn to be a Suave Operator! SuperSlick.
That's all for this week, check back soon for another glimpse into my broken psyche!
Sarissa, awaaaaaaaaaaaaay!