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    This week at FK! Week of 27/02/2017

    By Sarissa, in Server news, , 0 comments, 2,709 views
    Oh boy, look forward to this weekly update that I'll probably get disenfranchised with after 2 days!
    So what have we got coming up these next 7 days? Why, a whole lotta training of course!
    On Thursday, March 2nd Netheral will be teaching you the basics of SL & PltHQ operations! More info here
    On Saturday, March 4th I'll be teaching some of you how to be a do-gooding medical hero! Read my fabulous description here
    And immediately following my training (that's also on Sat, Mar 4) Netheral is hosting more crazy shenannigans at the Great FK Festival Vol. 2! Oh boy!
    And let's not forget our brand new players; Slouchy has you covered on Sunday, March 5th. He's hosting another of his Simple Sessions so you can learn to be a Suave Operator! SuperSlick.
    That's all for this week, check back soon for another glimpse into my broken psyche!
    Sarissa, awaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

    Changes to the Rank system

    By Sarissa, in Website news, , 0 comments, 2,932 views
    After multiple meetings; the CM's & Admin Team have decided upon some changes to the Rank system; including how we intend the ranks to be treated.
    The rank system is not meant for use in ArmA in any way. It is purely meant to show the rank of someone within our community. To aid with the rank system we are also introducing a Prestige Rank system to the forum. Prestige can be earned via gaining reputation. It can be awarded by Veterans, Community Managers & the Admin Team.
    The new rank to be introduced is the veteran rank, it is a rank intended for long standing and valuable members of our community. As the veterans themselves help choose the veterans we CMs & Admin Team will get the ball rolling by selecting a first group of people.
    Read more on the new rank and the old ones here.
    Over the next few days, we will be announcing the first of the FK Veterans. But before we do feel free to leave feedback and tell us how you feel about this new rank.

    Community design contest!

    By mrrbatty, in Website news, , 0 comments, 1,987 views
    So as you've all probably seen we've already had a poll up for a few weeks asking people what types of clothing they'd like to buy in FK style. 
    Now on to the next step- what do we put on them? Find out more here.

    Website & TS3 Integration

    By Mavy, in Server news, , 0 comments, 4,302 views
    As most of you are aware, I have updated the website over the past few days. The reason we wanted to upgrade was the ability to integrate the website with teamspeak. With the upgrade completed I now have time to explain what this means for you guys.
    What has changed on the website?:
    Not a lot. The theme/skin might look different here and there, but in its core the website has not changed at all from a user point of view. However on the back end there have been a lot of performance and security improvements that you all benefit from.
    Access your teamspeak tags from anywhere:
    The TS integration allow us to link your TS tags to your website rank. This means that if you have your TS uuid configured on the website you will automatically get the corresponding tags on TS. If you have multiple devices you can link all the uuid's on the website to access your tags from anywhere without having to bother a CM or Admin for help.
    Currently we have no way of knowing who belongs to what group, this means that initially when adding your uuid your tag might be reset to fng. To have this fixed contact a CM or Admin so they can add you to the correct group.
    I have manually gone over the list of regulars on TS and given the ones I could find on the forums their regular tag. If you are still missing your tag contact a CM or Admin and give them the username you have used on the website.
    Where can I find the teamspeak settings?:
    The teamspeak settings are located under you account settings page (Click on your username in the top navigation bar top open the menu with the account settings option). The Teamspeak tab will allow you to add several uuid's, it will even explain where to find the uuid in teamspeak.
    Will the teamspeak tags be coming back?:
    Yes and No, we are working on expanding the current tags and ranks. However there are no plans to make the specialist tags return. The new ranks will have clear requirements and expectations that are being finalized as I write this. So expect more news on that sooner rather then later.

    Anonymous Feedback

    By mrrbatty, in Website news, , 0 comments, 2,446 views
    We're always looking for feedback on us, members of the community, squad leaders, et cetera. Whilst we all know we don't argue with superiors on the battlefield, that doesn't mean we don't want to hear about them if they've done something wrong after the mission! So we've decided to add a completely anonymous feedback thread for community members to be able to submit to, if they want to tell us something about another member of the community. It's completely anonymous, only you and the community managers are able to see your post, nobody else. (and although we, the CM's, can see your post, this doesn't mean we are exempt from feedback, feel free to provide it to us)
    Feedback can be about general behavior, not following the rules, badmouthing people... but we would also greatly appreciate feedback around our Squadleaders/Platoonleaders and other important roles on the battlefield! These people are largely responsible for the enjoyment of the mission, so if you see someone in a role not performing so well, tell us and we can help him improve on that aspect.
    Of Course you can always use this platform to leave some positive feedback behind as well! We don't only want to be the bringers of bad news... we like some good news as well
    So please, we encourage you to tell us about anyone or anything that's bothering/pleasing you, and we'll pass it on, without mentioning your name. 
    Feedback thread here! Try and create one thread per issue so we can reply to your thread.
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