Repo News
Mavy, in Server news, , 0 comments, 3,046 views
I have pushed the new repo to our servers, yes servers!, the new update is about 7GB due to an issue called RHS. To help deal with the larger amounts of players I have added a second server to "balance" the load between the 2. Note how balance is in quotes, this is because it does not actually balance the load. A server gets picked at random everytime you connect to the repo.
The reason the update is once again several gigabytes is because RHS decided to include an update script in their latest version. Sadly however the servers that contain the updates did not actually get updated. As a result our repo now contained an older version of RHS then before. We never ran into this issue because RHS used to upload their mods to several other sites. However as of 4.2.1 they started using the workshop. Instead I opted to use said script with this disastrous result.
I am still having some difficulty with the new repo, however as soon as those are resolved I will bring the repo back online.