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    Stuff about changes comes in here


    An update on the new website. Steam profile integration, New front page and more.

    By Mavy, in Website news, , 0 comments, 4,179 views
    The new website:
    Over the past few weeks I have been hard at work getting our updated site ready for the masses. Sadly the progress has been hampered by the ammount of new features introduced by Invision in this so called "Minor" Update. These new features sadly broke quiet a few of our add-ons and thus I am relying on the add-on makers to get things compatible with the new version. With the add-ons out of my hands I have focused mainly on the new theme. And as the website developers among us will know debugging CSS is a P.I.T.A. Because of this it is taking longer then I had hoped to get things looking decent. However you can see a sneak peek of the new theme above this post.
    The old website:
    Of course the work on the new website does not mean I wont be working on the old one. In reality its actually quiet the opposite. With the add-ons broken on the new site it is actually easier to test and implement them on the old site. This saves me a lot of work when the updated version become available as I can just upgrade them without any side effects (I hope). This week I have introduced two new things.
    The first is the new front page layout. The new look makes our site feel a little more flashy and a little less "Texty". This same layout will be used on the new website so get used to it
    A bigger change is the addition of the new Steam profile integration. The integration can be found in your profile under the "Steam Profile" tab:

    When no profile is linked it will show a guide on how to link one. In short, edit your profile and fill in the Steam ID field, click save when done:

    Your profile should now look similar to this:

    Congrats, you have now added your steam profile to the website.
    Whats coming next:
    One of the bigger things I am working on are forms, all tho they sound boring they allow us (CM's and Admins) to create predefined forms that can be used to submit a range of templated information. Expect things like the admin white list requests and the ban disputes to be converted to a website form for easier use. Another thing that will come with the new website is a better reputation system, it is now called the reactions system. It allows for more responses then just the positive and negative reputation. Sadly this new reactions system also broke our prestige system, meaning a new way to keep track of our members activity will have to be developed. The CM's are working hard on this and I am sure the new system will be communicated with the rest of you in due time.

    Mod changelog 11/09/17

    By NeilZar, in Server news, , 33 comments, 11,115 views
    The week of mod testing is over. We have come to a decision on which mods will be added and which mods will be removed from the collection on monday 11/09/17. Note that some of the mods listed were old mods that were temporarily not available.
    MNP -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=687513604 Schwemlitz -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1124186682 Tactical beards -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=738178286 PLA Infantry Mod -  http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=655153321 Hoverboard -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=718477667 Thirsk -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=721084874 Napf -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=920257026 Tactical Banana -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1113082381 Extended Fortifications -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1109237932 TRYK's Multi-play Uniforms -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=779520435 RM SWAT Uniform -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=888504004 Chemical Warfare -  https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1095745477 Hazar-Kot Valley -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=766294759 New mods total size: 3885.8 MB
    3CB BAF Units NIArms Minigun NIArms M1903 Sprinfield Rifles Removed mods total size: 149.8 MB
    New modset total size: 37239.7 MB
    These maps will be added for a limited time to see what the community thinks. We think these may have some troubles, but are still great additions.
    Vis -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1120714022 Porquerolles -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=639497064 Imrali Island -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=317432405 G.O.S. Leskovets -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=855464203 CLA Clafghan -  http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=761349672 Trial mods total size: 1998.3 MB
    All these changes will take effect during monday, exact time to be determined. This post is subject to change up to that point.

    RE: "Missing/Removed" Mods and Workshop Update

    By Rorkiy, in Server news, , 8 comments, 12,299 views
    Following the recent move back to the Steam Workshop, we encountered a problem.
    We had previously bundled the majority of our mods and maps into two packs, the "FK Mod Pack" (which contained things like NI Arsenal, BWMOD etc.) and the "FK Map Pack" (which contained the maps such as Lythium, Lingor etc.) for what was essentially ease of use for the community. However, this did in fact go against the Steam Workshop EULA, with the possibility of DMCAs, and so we had to take them both down.
    As a result of that, there are some mods/maps that will be missing from the Collection and from the Servers themselves and this mainly boils down to two possibilities, either:
    It is not on the Steam workshop (such as with the LAV-25, Schwemlitz, the Hover Board etc.) or, We might have missed then when we had to scramble to take down the "combined" packs and replace them with what we could find on the Workshop. Do note that we did not intentionally remove any mods that might be missing, they're missing because we essentially have no legal way of using it without undue complications for everyone.
    Any changes to our modset that are decided upon by the Management team will be communicated clearly via our Meeting Reports.
    There may be a time when some of those mods missing from the Workshop may be uploaded at a later date, either by the original author, or with the original author's permission, in which case we will plan on adding it to the Collection and the Server, so keep an eye out on the Collection page every now and then to make sure you aren't missing anything that we might've re-added to it.

    Moving back to steam workshop

    By greybeardralph, in Server news, , 10 comments, 6,266 views
    Hello everybody! As mentioned in the meeting report (which you all read every week, of course), we are switching back to steam workshop for our modpack starting tomorrow. You can find more information on how to do this here. A modlist update will follow shortly after the switch to steam workshop, after which arma3sync will no longer work, so be sure to switch over quickly to avoid downtime!
    Your friendly neighborhood staff team.

    Main Op size changes

    By greybeardralph, in Server news, , 4 comments, 4,565 views
    Hello everybody!
    As some (Hopefully most) of you have seen and voted on by now, we held a recent poll for changing the missions sizes. The poll can be found here:
    Following the results of this poll, we are now going into a week of testing this new format (until Saturday 19 Aug). During this week, server 1 will be the "restricted" server, meaning priority goes to regular+ (with one FNG slot per squad), while server 2 will be open for all. Both servers will have a player limit of 40-50 players, depending  on the amount of assets used. During this week of testing, we will also have a number of smaller things to look at, Including (but not limited to):
    Cycling stricter and more casual rule sets The effects of Headless clients There will be a specific feedback thread whenever we try some of the smaller points, as well as a global feedback for the new format. We hope to hear your thoughts, good or bad, related to the change in format. Normal feedback can still go in the post-mission reports, like before.
    We will see you in the fight and in the threads,
    Your friendly neighbourhood staff team.

    Weekly overview #2

    By Linnet, in Website news, , 7 comments, 5,794 views
    Morning/evening/good whatever time you're reading this everybody!
    Let's get right to it:
    Meeting report
    Other than this overview, last weeks meeting report has actually been on time. You can view it here if you haven't already because you're an upstanding member of the community and are excited for the off-chance of new rules being announced (spoilers?). 
    What's happening this week? 
    Not much, again.  Because of the overambitious spawn of EI, the mission by @NeilZar from earlier this week has been rescheduled to friday. Keep in mind that this is a scripted mission with a few pre-assigned slots, so if you had one in the original mission, you'll have it on friday. If you can't make it - fine. But please let Neil know beforehand so we don't spend unnecessary time with waiting for people who are not going to appear. Check out the Calender Event for more info. 
    Also, a few might have seen it already on the Forum, @Slouchy Orc is currently lost somewhere in the canadian wilderness, doing biological stuff and hopefully avoids getting eaten by Grizzlys. Read up on it here. While he is gone, @Chuck Yeager will take over the Training Missions, now renamed to "Chucks Convenient Classes". The first one of these is happening on monday, if you are an FNG or haven't been playing with us in a while, I'd suggest you try them out. Every further info is on the Calender Event.
    Now - the sad part. @Woody will be gone from friday on - hopefully not forever. Something along the lines of driving tanks IRL and "teaching them how to fly". Go nag him about it yourself. At this point we haven't come up with a plan on how we're going to survive without his memes and horrific flying accidents, but we'll make it. Somehow. 
    A bit more lighthearted
    First of all - check out this thread. What is your unique, based on real events FK-fear? 
    Furthermore: @anden3 asked me to raise awareness for this. Apparently there's a Rocket League Tournament coming along. So if one of your unique skills is crashing into cars and fucking things up while pretending to hit a giant football, this could be the perfect event for you.
    Until next week!
    PS: Be nice to your medics, patching you guys op is fucking hard work. Especially when the system is broken. 

    Gamescom 2017

    By Mavy, in Website news, , 3 comments, 4,043 views
    Gamescom 2017 coverage:
    As some of you have probably heard, a few of the FK members are planning to visit gamescom this year. As the world's largest event for computer and video games there will be something to see for everyone. The event hall will cover a whopping 201,000 square metres and that is a lot of ground to cover.

    This got me to think. To optimize our coverage for our community I want to know from you all what you would like to see. I have opened up the comments section for this article, use it to let us know what you want to see covered. Keep the requests clean and friendly and we will do our best to get you the information you want.

    Weekly overview #1

    By Linnet, in Website news, , 0 comments, 2,856 views
    Greetings community!
    Some of you might remember the weekly meeting reports/overviews that the CM-Team did a while ago. Well, this is a try on bringing those back. But better! With more content, more info, more trivia and - I can't believe I'm actually saying that - more memes.
    This is thought to serve as a weekly report, including a link to the meeting report, a short overview of upcoming events and specials in the week ahead and maybe, depending on the material I have, a small best-of of this weeks "mishaps", memes and incidents. So let's start this, shall we?
    Meeting Report: 
    As always, the meeting report has already been uploaded, you can find it here. 
    You've read that correctly, we're updating the Repo on MONDAY THE 17TH! Therefore even those of you who get their internet delivered via smoke signals on a particularly windy day will be able to play Arma at the weekend. Please keep in mind that a lot of people will try to update at the same time, aka the download-speed will be literal hell. So don't panic, the community isn't dying, those of you who have been around longer than 2 weeks will already know how this works. 
    Upcoming Events:
    Not much is planned for the upcoming week - yet. On friday @TEG is organizing a TTT-game. So if you have GMod and a free friday afternoon, you might want to give it a go! 

    And the award for the most hilarious Zeus fuckup goes to....
    For a really innovative use of fellow players

    So far for this week, if you have any suggestions what you'd like to see in here (e.g. Mission Report of the week/pictures/mission screenshots, whatever really) let me know, send it to me and I'll see what I can use. And no @Woody don't even try. I'll never feature you here. That will be the biggest of all memes. 

    The journey of an administrator

    By Mavy, in Website news, , 0 comments, 2,960 views
    When I started writing this article I had originally intended it to be about the upcoming gamescom. However as always with FK I got side tracked while researching the event and its possible/planned announcements.
    While browsing youtube for some of last years releases and demos my eye fell on a video about memes. Not the “memes” you all know from the likes of Woody, but actual memes. The ones you just have to look at to know what they are about, the ones that don’t require text to explain the meaning. Because no matter how much text you slap on it, a picture of a pile of shit will still be a picture of a pile of shit! [Woody!]
    Hearing some of the tunes in this video reminded me of the days when I first joined an online gaming community. Which in turn got me thinking about how I became a server admin. So now instead of writing a story about gamescom I decided I would tell you the story of how I became the server admin I am today.
    The video that messed with my plans

    How it started
    Back in 2004 I was already following a study in server management, but that was mostly focused on windows. My linux experience had not gotten past the experimenting phase. I spent my free hours playing computer games one of which was Counterstrike. It was while I was playing CS that I stumbled upon a group of people who called themselves Coltkillaz. It was one of those groups that had this great atmosphere around them, a group that made you feel welcome from day 1. A group I ended up gaming with for well over 5 years.
    Within this group was a guy named Davros, a tech savvy guy who at some point in 2005/2006 started managing their servers. For whatever reason around the end of 2006 he offered me a dedicated server to play around with, it was a server that he no longer had any use for. It was this server that gave me the linux virus and it was this server that hosted my very first website.

    Logo of the community that started it all.

    The linux bug
    With this new love for linux and the end of my studies nearing I applied for a trainee ship at a large telecom company. At the start of 2007 I was accepted and started my journey in an environment of which 90% consisted of unix systems. I quickly realised how much fun it was to script your daily tasks. To find ways to make your life as an administrator easier. After my trainee ship I was offered a contract and ended up staying with them for 7 years.
    The downside of those 7 years was that I mostly worked with company proprietary tools. A lot of the software we used was made by the company and therefore it was a very specific knowledge. Knowledge that I would not use anymore after leaving the company. My linux knowledge stayed fairly vanilla until mid 2015. After having been with a new company for about a year I got offered a job at a well known unix consultancy agency. That's when I got introduced to the world of tools people use in the linux world. I got a chance to certify myself and train myself. In just over 2 years I went from having some knowledge about linux to being an expert in linux.

    An accurate description of how I see linux
    Playing around
    Of course using this knowledge on a daily basis for work is one thing, however it is outside of work that you get to play with new tools and learn new things. And the best way to do that is by having a goal like keeping game servers up and running. That brings me back to Coltkillaz. By the end of 2013 Coltkillaz was winding down, real life had taken over and for the most of us that meant no more time for gaming. The odd game I did play was with friends I met over the years of gaming and attending lan parties (more on that in another story).
    At the start of 2014 I started 71st vanguards with a few friends. The game of choosing at the time was battlefield and for just over a year we had one of the busiest BF3 servers in europe. A website was made and a teamspeak was hosted. All of this was tied together by some tooling I had discovered years before. The 71st servers gave me a playground to test and try new things. Always looking to make things easier on me and others. Sadly this time it was my turn to have real life take over and by 2016 I was hardly playing games or managing servers. The lack of playing with technology left me without a way to relax, and by the end of 2016 the urge to have a playground urged me to send a PM to greybeardralph asking him if he needed help with the server. And we all know what happened next....
    Problem? (See woody, thats how you use a meme!)
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