The Moderator Team Grows
Rorkiy, in Community News, , 16 comments, 7,618 views
Throughout these past few weeks though, we've also had something else going on that you might have missed. It wasn't anything important, just Moderator applications. From the moment we opened up the form to apply for Moderator, to when we went "Pls no, NotLikeThis, too many applications" and closed it, we received 50 applications from people who want to step up and help give back to the community. (Well, 51. You'll see what I mean.) Some were extensive, like, very long, and very well written. Others, not so much.
I mean, look at that. How lazy is that? I should ban this guy. :^)
Totally wasn't a test submission to make sure the form + thread making worked.
We in the staff team would like to thank all those who applied and we appreciate their drive and desire to help give back to the community. It wasn't easy coming to a final decision on who we would be adding. There were a lot of good applications and there were good arguments for (and obviously had to have some against) a lot of the people who applied. But in the end, it doesn't even mat- wait no. I mean, in the end, there can be only one... Or six.
As such, I regret to inform you all that the following six intellectually challenged members have decided to consign their souls and sanity to the depths of FK, to spend the rest of their days growing more and more insane as they try to keep the peace in this special place. But hey, at least they get a cool blue badge on Teamspeak. Going in alphabetical order:
@Dezree @Dragosphere @gadsada @Silberjojo @Sinderi @TheMinion May we all press F to pay respects.
Of course, with the promotion of Sinderi, we are also pleased to announce that all new members must pass the rite of passage in the Blood Pool as their initiation, and that the Blood Pool is now an official FK Platform!...Not...Yet. :^)
That being said, I hope you all join me in welcoming them to the staff team and let's at least give them a month before we all make them reconsider their life choices, shall we? :> If you ever have any problems or issues that need resolving, don't be afraid to approach any of these members or current staff members, we're always around to help. Just don't ask Sarissa for Tech Advice, or Batty for dating advice. You'll probably just end up knowing even less, or getting catfished respectively. :>
With all that said and done, hope you all have a good day/night/twilight/Nether/End/dimension/whatever random place or time you're at and we'll see you all in places. So area, much web, many connect. Wow.
& the FK staff team.