FK Squad server coming soon
Chuck Yeager, in Server news, , 5 comments, 4,480 views
Already back in November 2017, FKGaming hosted a Squad server during a free weekend on Steam. Although the game is still in Alpha, the growth of Squad has not gone unnoticed and will provide FK members with a military playground in a welcoming PVP setting. The upcoming release of our Squad server could not have better timing as the game is currently available for only $12 through Humble Bundle.
We will announce the exact launch date in a future post, but we couldn't wait to share this server update with you. This also gives you plenty of time to buy Squad with a great discount through Humble Bundle, as the discounted price is only available until September 6th.
The hosting of our Squad server does not increase our monthly donation goals, as it will be hosted on our current server box infrastructure. Depending on technical limitations, the closure of one of our less frequently used ARMA 3 servers is possible.
(All Squad screenshots were kindly made available by Fokkehassel)