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    FK Squad server coming soon

    By Chuck Yeager, in Server news, , 5 comments, 4,480 views
    FKGaming is pumped to announce the development our very own Squad server. Squad is a tactical FPS trying to bridge the gap between lightweight arcade shooters and hardcore military simulators. Providing large scale, combined arms combat and authentic combat experiences. Achieve victory through teamwork, communication and tactical gameplay; making it a perfect fit for FKgaming's community mindset.
    Already back in November 2017, FKGaming hosted a Squad server during a free weekend on Steam. Although the game is still in Alpha, the growth of Squad has not gone unnoticed and will provide FK members with a military playground in a welcoming PVP setting. The upcoming release of our Squad server could not have better timing as the game is currently available for only $12 through Humble Bundle.
    We will announce the exact launch date in a future post, but we couldn't wait to share this server update with you. This also gives you plenty of time to buy Squad with a great discount through Humble Bundle, as the discounted price is only available until September 6th.
    The hosting of our Squad server does not increase our monthly donation goals, as it will be hosted on our current server box infrastructure. Depending on technical limitations, the closure of one of our less frequently used ARMA 3 servers is possible.

    (All Squad screenshots were kindly made available by Fokkehassel)


    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 2,769 views
    Upcoming Events
    21 August 2019, 10pm BST Basic Training 101 hosted by Jerichron
    23 August 2019, 1630 BST Basic Training 101 hosted by ThePointForward
    23 August 2019, 2115 BST Prophet Training and Eval-Sniper hosted by ThePointForward
    25 August 2019, 1400 BST D&D 5e - Lost Mine of Phandelver - Session 8 Hosted by OneMadPanda
    *More Basic Training will be added if it is needed, please contact ThePointFoward or Jerichron if you need basic training but are unable to make it to the dates listed!*
    Please RSVP to events you plan on attending so hosts can plan accordingly. If you’re unsure if you can make it, please do not RSVP (speak to the host directly, or post in the comments below the event). Failure to attend an event that you’ve RSVP’d for can result in punishment.
    Meeting Memo
    A report from our Community Managers
    Note: There has been some recent rule changes. Be sure to look through them HERE. Ignorance is no excuse for rule breaking! 
    Trainer’s Top Tips
    Squad Lead Information MK2 - By AndyT90
    As a Squad Leader, you are responsible for the squad and the actions it takes. You make sure the squad executes the plan, the squad has the equipment needed for the task at hand, and make sure that the squad doesn't die. While you may think that you only have an effect on your own squad's enjoyment of the mission, it is definitely possible to influence others as well. A squad that sets up overwatch on the same position as another squad or in front of a tank, a squad leader with terrible comms and a squad that doesn't properly clear their sector are some of the biggest annoyances experienced in missions. You can not judge your competence as a squad leader just by what your squad members say, especially when it is always the same people. Even then, what does the person do well? What should a squad leader be able to do? Read more...
    *Coming soon- Basic Riflemen Medical Guide by ThePointFoward
    Trainers would like to remind all members to read the training section on the forum (found here) to learn more about different specialties and disciplines. They would also like to remind all players that they are encouraged to approach the trainers on team speak and other platforms for questions and more information.
    Public Relations News Room
    Released on July 26th, Contact DLC is the newest expansion to FKGaming's favorite game. The spin-off expansion exists of new gear, weapons, vehicles, the new Livonia map, as well as an immersive singleplayer campaign.
    FKGaming is please to announce that we will be giving away 1x ARMA 3 Contact DLC to one of our FK members!
    The Contact DLC giveaway is open to anyone who has a registered website account. The winner will be randomly selected at August 31th, 2019 at 7pm UK time. We will use the retweet list to select a winner. After selecting the winner, he/she has 24 hours to respond to our Twitter DM to confirm his/her active website account. All giveaway rules are listed below. Read more...
    Bohemia Interactive aims spotlight at FKGaming - By ChuckYeager
    Bohemia Interactive's COMMUNITY RADAR gathers the best community created content and publishes it on the developer's website. Since early 2019, COMRAD is curated by ARMA 3's Community Manager Homesikh, bringing together ARMA 3 content, communities and mod creators. FKGaming is honored to be featured in edition #7, next to big names such as Red Hammer Studios, Radio Arma and ARMAnet. Read more...
    Coming soon - Radio Arma Podcast featuring MulletShock and Rhea 
    Technician’s Basement
    New Server Activity Bot - by Neilzar
    We have created a new discord bot to manage the Arma servers. The staff team can use the bot to update the mods on the servers, restart the server and kick people when required without having to launch Arma or go to the website of Arma Remote Admin. But that is not the only thing the bot does! In the new #servers channel on discord are five messages, one for each of the servers that show whether the server is online, the current map and the players on the server. If you ever need to know if a server is free or see what map people are playing on at the moment, you can check the live status messages that are updated every five minutes. See our Discord
    FK #3 =BTC= Hearts and Minds Server - by kMaN
    Hearts and Minds is a cooperative mission that aims to recreate a post war environment based on an insurgency gameplay.  A REDFOR insurgency known as "Oplitas" has formed. Oplitas is a terrorist group intent on taking over the peaceful island of Altis.  BLUFOR deployed to defeat Optilas and restore peace and order in Altis. Optilas' numbers are unknown on the island, but they need to be destroyed.  Optilas also have several hidden ammo caches in various locations on Altis. Destroy their weapons cache to weaken their power. Read more...
    *Coming Soon - The Technician's have been getting reports of the website loading slowly. They are looking into the cause of this and will implement a fix ASAP
    After Action Report
    After a brush with a griffon, our heros approach the village seeking a place to rest for the night. As they approach the village from the beach, they encounter a local denizen of the murky deeps which left they unharmed after being feed. They quickly explored the village seeing clear signs of past struggles. Many of the doors and windows have been torn or knocked down. As they prepared for night fall, a small note was found in the large fire pit on the top of the signal tower which warned any living soul that should they stay the night, "They will come and bring you before their lord". With their defenses built and the sun sets, the heros settle down with the hopes of a quite night. The Blood Peninsula may have other plans, as when the sun sets the true horrors awake. Read more...
    *** Special thanks to BD_Foster and Spartan MiniMe for their help with this issue! ***
    What would you like to see in the next INT_REP? Comment down below!

    Bohemia Interactive aims spotlight at FKGaming

    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,684 views
    Bohemia Interactive's COMMUNITY RADAR gathers the best community created content and publishes it on the developer's website. Since early 2019, COMRAD is curated by ARMA 3's Community Manager Homesick, bringing together ARMA 3 content, communities and mod creators. FKGaming is honored to be featured in edition #7, next to big names such as Red Hammer Studios, Radio Arma and ARMAnet.
    Take a look at some great ARMA 3 cinematic screenshots, read up on new Aegis and RHS mod updates, and many more. Did you know there's not just one, but two podcast shows dedicated to ARMA 3? You can read up on all the latest ARMA 3 intel by clicking on the link below.

    Click here to read Bohemia Interactive's COMMUNITY RADAR #7



    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 1 comment, 4,739 views
    Released on July 26th, Contact DLC is the newest expansion to FKGaming's favourite game. The spin-off expansion exists of new gear, weapons, vehicles, the new Livonia map, as well as an immersive singleplayer campaign.
    FKGaming is please to announce that we will be giving away 1x ARMA 3 Contact DLC to one of our FK members!
    Visit & follow our Twitter Like and retweet our Contact DLC giveaway Create your FK website account (if you haven't already) to join one of the biggest ARMA 3 communities Link your Discord account in your settings on this website Cross your fingers and wait The Contact DLC giveaway is open to anyone who has a registered website account. The winner will be randomly selected at August 31th, 2019 at 7pm UK time. We will use the retweet list to select a winner. After selecting the winner, he/she has 24 hours to respond to our Twitter DM to confirm his/her active website account. All giveaway rules are listed below.

    The old money issue

    By Silberjojo, in Community News, , 0 comments, 3,246 views
    Good day to you all. The CM Team has had a look into our safe. To our great displeasure we have found, that (as it currently stands) we do not have enough money to carry us into September. 
    The money from donations goes towards paying for our servers that we use to play, talk and have fun. So if you enjoy your time here, we would like to ask each and everyone of you to open your wallets and leave a donation to keep this place running. Please also do so once a goal has been reached already. The excess money will be stored in our "rainy day fund". This is the money we use to pay for the servers when we do not reach our goals for a month. Even 1 or 2 Euros will help. Every bit counts.
    You can find the donation page here.
    Thank you all for reading (and hopefully leaving a donation ) 

    New Minecraft Server

    By Silberjojo, in Server news, , 2 comments, 3,092 views
    After some time we are now running a Minecraft Server again. The modpack is "Sevtech Ages". You start out as a cave man and have to work your way through the ages. There is a whitelist to which you wil lhave to apply. All the needed information can be found here.

    Arma 3 Third-Party DLC

    By NeilZar, in Game news, , 0 comments, 2,754 views
    Third-Party DLC was announced back in October 2017, at which time they were looking for people interested in releasing premium DLC. Now one and a half years later, we are still none the wiser what the new DLC's will be. In that time I have heard a lot of comments about the Third-Party DLC, but no one knew for certain what it is supposed to be. I have done some research and hope to explain to you what the new Third-Party DLC's mean.
    The most common misconception is about who makes the DLC's because this is not the first time there has been a Third-Party working on Premium DLC for Arma 3. The Jets DLC was the first and so far only Premium DLC made by a Third-Party, Bravo Zero One Studios. They were also responsible for the Encore Update, a free update that introduced the destroyer, USS Liberty. Bravo Zero One Studios was explicitly formed to create the Jets DLC, headed by the creator of the F/A-18X Black Wasp addon which won third place in the Make Arma Not War competition. So will make the next Third-Party DLC? We can't say for sure yet, but there is some information available.
    In October of 2018, there was an Arma 3 Creator Bootcamp where 18 community creators were present, most of whom work on potential Third-Party DLC's. Some of the people attending were IceBreakr, maker of Lingor, Panthera, Isla Duala and many more maps, and LAxemann, creator of Dynasound, Enhanced Soundscape, several other mods and also the sound designer for some of RHS. All the Third-Party DLC's will be created by community creators, but what they make is not what they have already made before.
    We don't know yet what will be made because the list of creators and what they will make has not been announced yet. But there are some certainties; the new DLC's will be unique content. Bohemia Interactive has said that they do not want the Third-Party DLC's to be something that was previously free. So we can only really speculate what could be made, could be something similar to IFA or RHS, or it could be smaller things like individual Firewill jets or maps. Who knows, maybe we will see a functional ship rather than the static ones we currently have, although I doubt it.
    There is one big difference between all previous DLC's and the upcoming Third-Party Premium DLC's. The upcoming DLC's are optional installations! What this means is that the content is not downloaded to your computer until you buy the DLC, so if you don't own the DLC it will not show up anywhere in the launcher or the editor. Whether the DLC's will be used in our missions remains to be seen, at this point the complete functionality is unknown. Expect content that is up to Vanilla Arma quality, though. All the content creators working on Premium DLC have access to the guidelines for technical and quality requirement, get support with the Quality Assurance process and get support from BI for promotion.
    Bohemia themselves won't be sitting still, however; they will continue working on improving already existing content, bring new content that builds on what already exists, and their Amsterdam office is working on something experimental that builds on Arma. In the future, we can probably expect more updates like Warlords and the NATO Pacific vehicle retextures but don't expect content that will drastically change how elements of the game work.
    Simple answer, we don't know. There has been no information other than the original announcement and the updates of the Creator Bootcamp. We know that we can expect a few per year so that it won't be a very rare occurrence. When the DLC's stop coming is unknown, but the best guess is when Arma 4 is announced or is close to release; It is still unknown when that is though. I'm going to make some guesses here though; the first DLC will come later in the year, probably end Q3/start Q4, and I think Arma 4 will be announced in 2022 with a release in 2023, which will coincide with the 10th anniversary of Arma 3. 
    Again, all of this is speculation based on information already provided by Bohemia Interactive. I just hope this clears up some stuff for people.

    Modset Update 08/04/19

    By NeilZar, in Server news, , 18 comments, 27,039 views
    It has been a while since the last modset update, and it is about time we updated it again. On the 8th of April, we will change the modset on the first server at an undetermined time; we will announce once the first server is updated. Until that time you can check out the new mods on the second server, but more on that later. These are the changes to the modset in alphabetical order:
    3CB Factions ADV - ACE Splint (will be part of FK - Mods) Anizay BWMod Diwako's ACE Ragdolling DUI Squad Radar FIREWILL Aviation Pack (Complete) FRXA TFAR Retextured Equipment G.O.S. N'ziwasogo Lingor/Dingor Island MBG Buildings 3 Rosche, Germany SU-34SM FULLBACK-D AWS Removed
    3CB BAF Units Action Builder Diyala F-15SE Silent Eagle FIR AWS(AirWeaponSystem) G.O.S. Gunkizli PLP Containers Project Uncut Sabs SU-34 Fullback Shacktac User Interface Spartan Factions v3 US Special Operations Command Changed
    Achilles (moved to FK - Mods) Along with these changes, there are some changes to FK - Mods; Achilles and ADV - ACE Splint are being added to the mod, along with some files to improve the balance and compatibility of mods in our modset. These changes, however, will only take effect on the 8th of April; until that time FK - Mods won't be loaded on the second server either.
    To help you with these changes, here is a download for the new HTML preset. 
    Because the FK - Mods mod is still being used on the first server and there is some stuff in there that is still relevant to the current modset, we can not use it on the second server for now. This means that when you want to test stuff on the second server you need to disable FK - Mods and enable ADV - ACE Splint, BWMod - ACE compatibility and Achilles.
    We are also taking this opportunity to make some changes to the templates. Besides new templates being introduced, we are re-enabling the environmental sounds. If you find any issues, make sure to report them here.

    [IMPORTANT] Changes to Staff team

    By NeilZar, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,957 views
    Because we have been unhappy with how the community has been running, the Technicians have, after careful consideration with Mavy, decided to suspend all CMs from their position effective immediately. We will be working the coming week on reviewing each of the CMs on their efforts and commitment to the community, and decide for each of them what the best course of action is. To better facilitate this process we will, for the time being, remove all CMs from their position and take over all decision making until we have concluded the reviews. Once those reviews have concluded we will work on making sure that the new CM team is one that works better in the interest of the Technicians and Mavy. Do note that Technicians will not be dealing with player reports during these weeks, the Moderators will still be there for you to contact regarding player reports. We know that they will probably get quite some stuff to do, but we trust they can cope with it.
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