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    Stuff about changes comes in here

    Two new Community Managers join the team

    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 4 comments, 3,072 views
    Please welcome @andyt90and @ThePointForwardas our new Community Managers. To introduce them to you guys, we have prepared a small interview with them, which you can read in this article. Don't forget to congratulate them on their new position, in the comments below. 
    Andyt90 has been one of the longest serving moderators and was one of the first members to be appointed in this role, back in 2017. He is one of our active community streamers and is known for his effective slotting procedures during main missions. His honest opinion will surely resonate well inside the secret CM chambers.
    Hi @andyt90, can you give a brief introduction of yourself?
    "So I got into FK about 2 years ago now through watching Katla's stream jumped into a mission and to be honest the rest is history. Spent a good portion of that time as a mod so have seen the inner workings of staff to a degree which will help me in the long run hopefully."
    What can you bring to the table as a new Community Manager?
    "I can bring the experience of being in this place for such a long time and see how it has changed over the years and hopefully bring a new line of thought into what needs changing and push those changes along with the rest of the team in a timely manner. My vision of the community would be somewhere someone can come relax enjoy themselves not just when it comes to our arma missions but as a whole. I have seen more and more people just getting on the ts to play so many other games with friends they made through arma which I thought would be somewhat of a natural progression as people got tired/burnt out of arma."
    What do you look forward to the most in your new role?
    "I look forward to mostly being able to help move the community forward and stop it stagnating or becoming dull to be here. Hopefully I can try to do more for the community as I have always been someone that has been open to opinions (even if some people may disagree with that ). I am still going to be the same person as I was before some will be happy with that others will now cower in fear I am sure XD"
    If you would be the glorious ruler of FK for one day, the sole CM in charge of any decision, what new feature would you implement?
    "If I had full control over the community for a day I would definitely have to look into making an FK patreon for all the lewds and anime waifus we all know we truly want!"
    ThePointForward is that guy from all the basic training sessions. A respected veteran of the community, he has shown his dedication to FKGaming plenty of times. No longer only a trainer, he will now help carve out the future for this ever growing community.
    Same questions for you, @ThePointForward, who are you, and what made you join this community?
    "Well, as some of you may know, I am your friendly big fella from Czech Republic. But to expand on that: I'm 26 and working a full-time job as a software developer. As you might suspect, I enjoy the game of basketball and I also play airsoft and various board games outside of FK.
    How did I find FK... Well, through the old stream personalities, no point in denying that. Saw how missions went down and I was looking for some milsim-ish action, so I hopped on and stayed.

    I joined in May 2017, but barely got a basic training from Slouchy plus a few missions and then real life came knocking with me having to move and change job in very short succession, so I have reappeared sometime in autumn of 2017 and pretty much stayed ever since.
    Sometime in 2018 I started helping out with basic trainings myself since I've had time for it and eventually became primary on it. Recently I've also became a Prophet trainer and now applied and became a CM. The rest is in the stars now..."
    What can you bring to the table as new Community Manager?
    "I'll mostly paraphrase my application here. I hope to bring another opinion to the table while falling in with the current team well enough as I've always tried to keep my relations with others friendly or at least cordial. I also want to keep the community healthy - both by trying to lead by example and making sure rules are being enforced when necessary (and let's hope there will be minimum of the latter).
    And finally I want to be approachable, which is something I do have reputation for - therefore as a small PSA I'd like to say that my virtual doors are open if someone has concerns or issues.

    Of course at the same time as a small reminder you can always use various suggestion sections on the forums - from Anonymous Feedback to Community Suggestions to Think Tank Suggestions and other specific places. Be bold!"
    What do you look forward to the most in your new role?
    "Watching this community celebrating release of Arma 4 with full server pushing it to it's limits. And by that I mean that I hope to see us staying strong for years to come."
    If you would be the glorious ruler of FK for one day, the sole CM in charge of any decision, what new feature would you implement?
    "Slotting Tags - you have to pull the entire server into the AFK room at least once to get them!"
    Do you think these guys will make a great addition to the CM team? Already have a suggestion for them? Drop it in the comments below!

    INTREP 005

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 4 comments, 3,313 views
    Meeting Reports
    Upcoming Events
        Destiny 2 Raid - Eater of Worlds - 17/10/19
            @EdwardR has scheduled and event for Destiny 2! "Getting people together for the second raid available to everyone! Still happening on the planet eater Leviathan, but in this case it's in its bowels and Calus has requested Guardians to come deal with a Vex infestation."

        Battle of Mariposa - TIOW - 1st Main - 19/10/19
            @Jerichron has scheduled an event for Arma3 1st Main! This mission will be held on FK #4 and will take the place of our normally scheduled 1st Main Mission. To play you must download the MOD PRESET. Be sure to check out the calander page to see some awesome promotional screen shots... and read the briefing of course.

        2020 FK Meetup - Hotel Choices
            @Winters (Benji) and @mulletshock have been working hard on gathering everyone's opinions on lodging for the 2020 FK Meetup. They believe they've narrowed it down to the PREMIER INN CRAWLEY TOWN WEST if you have anything more to add to the discussion now is the time!

    Public Relations News Room
       The first official ModCast is now LIVE! 
            The first, but certainly not the last official FK ModCast went off without a hitch! This month's topic was the new Squad Server. The podcast is about 45mins long and features @andyt90 as the host and @Legendo@ThatSlickOniichan and @Garfield as guests. A special thank you to Lysa Bell for the awesome graphics!
    In Case You Missed It
        @WateryFox is looking to gather some people to play NO MAN'S SKY! Check out his DISCORD. Also, if you do not have the game already it is now 50% off on STEAM . Read More...

        @andyt90 is hosting ESCAPE mod missions Friday nights after 1st main (around 9:30 BST). If you're interested in playing all you have to do is download the MOD PRESET and pop in the temporary channel at that time! Remember Escape only holds 10 players so first come first serve! Read More...

        @Legendo is organizing an Official DESTINY 2 CLAN! If you'd like to join just CLICK HERE and fill out the application and post that you've applied HERE. If you're interested in playing Destiny 2 it is Free to play on STEAM. Read More...
    Community Bulletin
        Benji's GoFundMe
            @Winters (Benji) has made a go fund me to raise funds to help him with his cat Ali's vet bills. Benji wrote "We can only guess that my cat Ali, 18 months old, was hit by a car on Friday 20th September. He suffered a dislocated tail, quite high up to quote the vet, which resulted in him spending 1 day shy of 2 weeks in the vets. Until the day before he came home I was pretty much expecting to have to have him put down, but over night he started to show signs of recovering. He's been back home since October 5th and seems comfortable and happy, playing with his brother Lemmy again, so his recovery is going well. However, with the length of time he spent at the vets the bills grew and though I have never used gofundme I guess I'm hoping there might be some kind individuals out there that would be willing to help cover the costs of this only." Please visit the GOFUNDME page and donate if you can. 

       Andyt90 Twitch Clip Montage
            So happy to announce that @andyt90 has finally taken the plunge into YouTube! Go check out his first video! Be sure to support him by subscribing and liking the video.

       Mittens Escape from Tarkov - M700
            @Mittens has given us another amazing Tarkov video! Enjoy and as always support your community members by subscribing and liking the video! 
    Thank you all for the reacts on the previous INTREPs it helps me gauge how many people enjoy these bi-weekly reports. As always if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or suggestions for upcoming INTREPs please leave them below! 

    INTREP 004

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 1 comment, 3,724 views
    Meeting Reports
    Staff News
    FKGaming is thrilled to announce that three members have been promoted to Moderators! Congratulations to @Rabit Salvokelk @Garfield and @Xenborg. 
    Community Manager Applications now open! Click here to apply!
    Public Relation's News Room
    First ModCast Recording
    Once upon a time there was a meme, a meme born from our very own @Winters. A meme in which every non Moderator member would be muted and only the Moderators could speak. This meme has now become and official means of discussing information with our community- The ModCast. Last friday, @andyt90 @Legendo and @Garfield hosted the very first ModCast Recording with great success. We expect it's release in the next INTREP issue so keep an eye out for that! If you'd like to participate in the next ModCast please watch the Calendar as upcoming recording dates will be posted there! 
    Technician's Basement
    Server Updates:
    FK #4 is being used to support PointForward's training and several FK members custom modset missions, including AndyT90's Escape missions.
    FK #3 has removed =BTC= Hearts & Minds to support the mod testing for FK upcoming new modpack.
    Twitch Streamer Spotlight
    FK Name - Rabit Salvokelk
    Twitch Handle - rabitsalvokelk
    URL - https://www.twitch.tv/rabitsalvokelk
    How long have you been streaming? - About a year or so
    What games do you primarily stream? - Used to be anything and everything. Nowadays however it seems to be only Arma 
    When you do normally stream? - Also used to be whenever but now it's mostly just weekends
    Whats the goal for your channel? - There isn't really a point or a goal to it. I mean obviously it would be exceptional to make a living playing games and having fun with the audience but maybe in the distant future. Right now its "just something that I do from time to time"
    Any clips you'd like to share? - Orbital tank
    INTREP Schedule 
    As some of you may have noticed, the INTREP has not been released in approximately 3 weeks. While originally the PR team in tandem with the CM team wished for the INTREPs to be a weekly endeavor it's quite obvious now that a weekly release was just not working out. INTREPs will now be scheduled bi-weekly. This is for multiple reasons- Firstly being that with bi-weekly releases there is more to cover and therefore more content. Secondly as I (Rhea) work every other weekend IRL this allows for me to construct and finalize INTREPs on my time off without loosing sleep. Thirdly bi-weekly releases allow for larger topics to be featured on the front page for longer. I hope you all enjoy the larger INTREPs and don't mind the longer schedule. As always if you have any questions, comments, or ideas feel free to add them in the comments of this article or PM me directly!

    Squad server is LIVE

    By Chuck Yeager, in Server news, , 3 comments, 2,458 views
    After a couple intense weeks of preparation, FKGaming launches their first Squad server and you can start playing right now.
    Watch our launch video below and join us for some authentic combat experiences. All server details can be found in this article.

    Server ID:
    [EU] fkgaming.eu | ENG | RAAS + AAS [FK]

    How to join our server:
    READ OUR SQUAD RULES Launch Squad Select Server Browser Search for 'fkgaming' in the search window Join our the server (and don't forget to mark it as your favourite for future sessions)

    OperatorDrewski features FKGaming in "Beginner's guide to milsim"

    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 0 comments, 4,247 views
    "FK does these really cool operations where they have these realistic, kinda milsim based operations on a very large scale." If a big YouTuber says this kinda stuff, he's got to be right. Right? A couple of weeks ago, we invited OperatorDrewski to join a few of our main missions. For those that don't know Drewski: he's a "certified Keyboard Operator. 700,000 weird nerds watch my videos", as he describes himself on Twitter. Drewski has created numerous videos about military games, airsoft and everything in between. His most recent video is a beginner's guide to milsim, and FKGaming is proud to be a big part of it.
    Don't forget to check out his other videos and to hit that subscriber button, or give him a follow on Twitter.

    As with previous YouTube content related to FKGaming, we might see a lot of new faces joining our forces soon. Don't forget to give them a warm welcome and to guide them to our "how to join" page.

    Airsoft meetup - Photoshoot (part one)

    By Chuck Yeager, in Community News, , 9 comments, 5,201 views
    Back in July, over 40 FK members gathered in the small town of Dorking, United Kingdom, for a two day airsoft meetup. In between games, the PR team grabbed a couple of FK members aside to immortalize their presence with a picture of two. This article will showcase a few of those members and we couldn't resist ourselves to ask them a couple of questions as well. Meet Silentgunner13, ThatWalder and NotConnor.

    Hi @SilentGunner13, when did you get into airsoft and what makes it so fun to do?
    I got into airsoft around March this year. I'd watched videos around it and always thought it looked like fun but never had the time or money. It was only at the start of this year that I started seriously researching the airsoft scene in Ireland and trying to get an idea of how much it'd cost to get myself set up. I played a few rental games early in the year. @Mittens then invited me down to play airsoft in Wicklow with him, @Whiskers and @SABER. This was the first big game I'd played in an outdoor venue with a gun that wasn't a crap M4/G36 rental (SABRE lent me his LVOA). I also rescued the cat brothers' boots from their mother's house on my way down which is a story in itself. After that I got my own RIFs and started playing a bit more seriously. Airsoft is fun to play for me because its therapeutic. Running around, looking like a badass/idiot/badass idiot and playing a game with a good team is a great way to shake off stress from the previous week at work. Especially when people come to the event with the right attitude and equipment such as radios... and brains. Plus its one of the only times in life where it is socially acceptable to magdump a minor without going to jail.
    As an experienced airsoft player, did you enjoy the FK airsoft weekend?
    I wouldn't say I'm 'experienced'. I'm somewhere around the amateur mark at this point. I don't even have UKARA yet.. however having done a number of games the FK event was fucking fantastic. You saw people from all across the spectrum (in more than one sense of the word) from the guys showing up in tracksuits and hoodies to the guys who've poured hundreds into their gear. But despite this disparity, everybody had fun. People called their hits, nobody got salty, and really it was just like an FK mission in real life with people doing stupid shit I.e. @Whiskers transitioning into a barrel and @LilyBear picking a fight with a tree (and losing). Even the total newbies to airsoft got really into it. People really got into the spirit of the weekend and I don't think a single person left that weekend disappointed. I sure as shit didn't. I'd do it again next week if you asked me to... and paid for my airfare....and promised not to send @EHOPPPS to collect me.
    In a big way, I enjoyed the meetup because it was something different. I was getting tired of how monotonous my 9-5 life was getting, so when the opportunity to get shot at by a bunch of people who I've never met (but many I consider good mates) came about ? Fuck yeah, I'm doing that. For me though, the best part was seeing people help each other out. Like @Vesper Akiri helping people with weapon malfunctions or @mulletshock lending me a few spare mags on the Saturday and of course, the legend of @andyt90 lending me his absolute unit of an M16A2. Seeing everybody in person helping each other out, and most importantly, having a good time (especially at the pub) made me realise that despite the running joke about FK being a bit of a toxic community, it isn't in reality. It's filled with a bunch of fucking legends I'm proud to call friends, from all around the world. In fact, the meetup actually dispelled a few misconceptions and judgements that I had made about some people. The meetup just felt like a massive lads (and ladies!) holiday with a bunch of lovable nerds all there to have a good time, and I cannot wait for the next one

    Gear list
    The cap is Viper Tactical
    Weapon is a G&G TR16 (lent from @andyt90, magazines also lent from him) but have my own G&G Raider CM16 SRL and a WE P226
    Gloves are Highlander Raptor fingerless
    Plate Carrier is a an Olive Assault vest from GFC Tactical with mag pouches, IFAK, Radio pouch etc
    Shirt is an Olive UBACS from Magcomsen
    Radio is a Baofeng UV-5R
    Battle belt from bulldog tactical with util pouch, phone pouch, dump pouch and pistol holster
    Multicam trousers from Tacvasen with integrated kneepads
    Multicam Boots from Savage Island

    @ThatWalder, how did you get in to airsoft?
    I got into airsoft due to there being an airsoft society at the university which I attended (then dropped out of after 2 years). I got all my uni housemates into airsoft and the society was full a great group of light minded adults with a secret bloodlust and most of us where gamers at heart. We would go airsoft in a old world war 2 bunker on Tuesday nights and on the Sunday we would head to one of the local outdoor large sites.
    While others went full milsim, you went full slav. What's the story behind the outfit?
    I think I went full slav because a lot of us recently been playing a lot of Escape from Tarkov as a groups and we always seem to have a laugh. I didn't have many milsim gear or equipment but I have bits and bobs which I just scavenged together. So Scav Slav was born from that.
    Gear list
    Slav Walder
    Adidas striped tracksuit bottoms
    Adidas striped tracksuit hoodie
    Uskanka hat
    steel toe cap boots
    @Vesper Akiri's AK
    Other gear: South African Assault Vest, Olive Viper Long sleeve shirt, Nuprol olive half mask and Nuprol mesh eye pro (always wear protection kids)

    @Not Connor, we've got to ask the story behind your outfit. Were you inspired by something, or just felt like not going full camo?
    I was kind of inspired by a lot of what ive seen from PJs and PRs in the US special forces, just kind of looking serious and geared up and wearing a silly shirt (hawaiian) or otherwise, so its always been a thing to keep it serious but also have a bit of fun with it.
    What's your most memorable experience from the FK airsoft meetup, or the FK meetup in general?
    It was probably when @LilyBear demolished the barrel in like the second game, or even the last game with him playing it in a cheerleader outfit.
    Gear List
    The carrier was a JPC style plate carrier with some mag pouches on the side as well as a dangler for some storage
    The most notable other things about the loadout would just be the holster (modified drop holster)
    Two toned CZ-P09 pistol by ASG
    The clothing was mostly cheap stuff i actually got for the meetup, stuff i didnt mind getting dirty and again going for a special forces kind of look where things like uniform and camo dont matter as much as style
    The rifle I borrowed from @mulletshock as well as the sling, but all other equipment used was mine.
    Which of the three outfits do you enjoy the most? Comment below ?

    INTREP 003

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 3 comments, 3,547 views
    Meeting Memo
    Trainer’s Top Tips
    Zeus Tag Application & Evaluation system
    This topic contains all the information you need to apply for Co-Zeus or Zeus tag. Main idea of the system is based on your capabilities as Zeus and references from the people who have played in your missions. There is no stepladder between the tags, you can apply for any of them. But be aware that we expect people to understand the importance of good zeusing, so we will carefully examine the applications. Main requirement is to have Reg+ status in the community. Read More...
    Public Relations News Room
    Twitter Giveaway Winner
    Trinoc won the Twitter giveaway for the new Contact DLC. We expect to see him on Livonia soon! Congratulations @Trinoc Read More...
    Twitter and why you should care
    It's no secret that @Chuck Yeager and I have been working very hard on gaining traction on the Twitter platform. To many of you, this might not make much sense. If it does, you might not see the point in participating yourself as you're already here and already a member, therefore not who we're trying to "reach". I'd love to just take a moment and explain to you why we need your support on Twitter. Read More... Squad Game Sale - HumbleBundle
    With our new Squad server currently under construction now is a great time to nab the new Squad game for half price! HumbleBundle is still hosting a 50% off sale for Squad until Wednesday! Get it while you can! Buy it here! Technician’s Basement
    Mod-pack selection
    The new Arma3 modset selection is well underway. The CM team have been combing through every suggestion made by the community, the trainers, and other staff to ensure the most suitable mods are chosen for the final modpack. Soon the testing phase will begin. The CMs expect the new modset to be live within 3-5 weeks if all goes well! 
    Squad Server Coming Soontm
    The Technicians and CMs have been hard at work constructing our very own Squad server. A lot goes into hosting a new game, so please be patient with the staff as they tackle this new challenge. As always keep an eye on the forums and in future INTREPs for any new information! 
    Modifications to FK 3, 4 +5
    FK #5 Liberation shut down for a few days whilst Servok uses it to test a mod.
    FK #4 configured to test Quicksilver's Invade & Annex Apex. 
    FK #3, 4 & 5 white-list updated to mirror FK #1.
    Twitch Streamer Spotlight
    FK Name - Maverick
    Twitch Handle - Videre
    URL - https://www.twitch.tv/videre
    How long have you been streaming? 9 months on and off
    What games do you primarily stream? - Variety streaming, anything I am in the mood for 
    When you do normally stream? Weekends
    Whats the goal for your channel? - 1000 Follows currently
    Any clips you'd like to share? CLIP
    Mavy AMA
    Big THANK YOU! to everyone who participated and asked their questions in the thread here.
    @Rabit Salvokelk @Kerry @Guest @Winters @andyt90 @Katla_Haddock @Chuck Yeager @Frankasaurus Rex @Chefla @metamartian 
    Read the full interview here!
    If you are enjoying these INTREPs please leave a reaction on this post.
    If you have any feedback, or an idea for the next INTREP please respond in the comments below! 
    Quick note: Thank you all for waiting an extra week for this INTREP, we did not want to take the spotlight away from our Podcast release with RadioArma last week.

    Radio Arma Podcast Released!

    By Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,216 views
    In collaboration with RadioArma.com, FKGaming had the opportunity to sit down and record a podcast introducing our Community to the podcast audience. 
    In this 1 hour and 18 min podcast Flash Ranger interviews MulletShock (Community Manager) and Rhea (Public Relations Officer) about the day to day of FKGaming and how we differ from any other Arma Unit. 
    Please show your support by listening to the Podcast and interacting with us on Twitter!
    Also do not forget to visit our friends at RadioArma and check out their long list of other Arma Podcasts! 


    By Rhea, in Community News, , 4 comments, 2,936 views
    Meeting Memo
    Trainer’s Top Tips
    GUIDE: Rifleman Medical Basics - by ThePointForward
    This guide is aiming to teach you the basics of medical care in Arma 3 with ACE3 Advanced Medical for non-medical personnel. You will find recommended medical load outs, how to use the medical menu, medical procedure and some tips.Read more...
    *Trainers would like to remind all members to read the training section on the forum (found here) to learn more about different specialties and disciplines. They would also like to remind all players that they are encouraged to approach the trainers on team speak and other platforms for questions and more information.*
    Public Relations News Room
    Arma3 Cinematic Featuring Vericht and Cyico 
    Our very own Vericht and Cyico participated in a short cinematic directed and produce by Ceb.Cin! Ceb.Cin announced on twitter that he was looking for Russian voice actors to help him with his Arma3 project and FK was happy to lend a hand. Please show some love to Ceb.Cin by retweeting his video and subscribing to his you tube channel for what I'm sure will be filled with more awesome arma3 stuff to come! Watch the cinematic here!
    Arma 3 Contact DLC Giveaway! - By Chuck Yeager
    Time is running out! Make sure you meet the requirements to win your free copy of the Contact DLC before Saturday August 31st!
    The Contact DLC giveaway is open to anyone who has a registered website account. The winner will be randomly selected at August 31th, 2019 at 7pm UK time. We will use the retweet list to select a winner. After selecting the winner, he/she has 24 hours to respond to our Twitter DM to confirm his/her active website account. All giveaway rules are listed below. Read more...
    Stay Tuned...
    The ArmaRadio Podcast featuring MulletShock and Rhea will be released on Monday, September 2nd!
    Technician’s Basement
    Server Specs
    Although FK 3, 4 and 5 have been a part of fuck knows for months now, very few know much about the actual box. So for all you nerds out there here are the specs for the server hosting FK 3, 4 and 5.
    Location: Germany Provider: Hetzner CPU: i7-8700 Hexa-Core RAM: 64GB DDR4 OS: Win Server 2016 64-bit SSD: 2 x 512GB NVMe (Raid 1) A Word From Our Veterans
    I don't think that the Veterans in the discord channel thought I was serious when I asked them if they had any words they wanted to share in the INT_REP this week so this is the results I've gotten:
    "Be Better" -Sabre
    "Mullet Gey" -Katla_Haddock
    "Goodbye then. Be safe, Friend. Don't you dare go Hollow." - TheMinion
    "Stay the f*ck away from the tank." -BonSie
    "When the big bird is falling from the sky, run" - Trinoc
    What would you like to see in the next INT_REP? Comment down below!
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