Running Man 2035 Charity Event Today!
Rhea, in Community News, , 0 comments, 2,169 views
The long awaited Running Man 2035 Charity Event will be starting at 5pm GMT (2 hours before main mission time).
Be sure to check out the FK TWITCH STREAM to watch @Flash-Ranger from Radio Arma and FK's very own Veteran @Trinoc provide some top notch commentary for your viewing pleasure.
Itinerary of Events: (all times are in GMT)
4pm - Stream Starts for the FK vs AndyT90 Event
4:15pm - PreGame interviews with team captains ( @ThePointForward + @andyt90 )
4:45pm - Squad Briefing
4:55pm - Count Down Begins
5pm - Server is LIVE - The hunt begins!
3 Matches, Best of 3 Wins!
If by this time the goal of €1,000 is met, Leader of Oper8 Heaven (Paskey) will eat an ENTIRE CAN of COLD BEANS on stream, live for your enjoyment!
6pm - Stream Continues for the Oper8 Heaven vs Team Brrrt Event
6:15pm - PreGame Interviews with the team captains ( Paskey + Kif )
6:45pm - Squad Breifing
6:55pm - Count Down Begins
7pm - Server is LIVE - The hunt begins!
3 Matches Best of 3 Wins!
We have worked so hard to make this event happen, we've had our hiccups but we're all so excited to be bringing this event to fruition after MONTHS planning! We wouldn't have worked so hard or have persevered through so much if it wasn't for our complete admiration for the amazing people at Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Boarders). They endure so much to bring live saving medical care to people in conflict zones and in countries affected by endemic diseases no matter the race, religion, or political association of their patients in need.
Please consider donating whatever you can to help this cause.
To learn more about Doctors without Boarders see their website HERE and/or watch this video below!