November Modset 2022
November 2022 Modset Update
After many weeks of hard work, it's here! The latest update to our main Arma 3 modset. This modset was unique in that it's the first time FK opened to the modtesting to everyone Regs+ and their vote weighed equally to staff members who voted. The modset was determined by the FK community. Therefore, if you have a complaint you should look to your left and right and ask your buddy, who either participated in the mod-testing or didn't. FK staff & techs would like to thank all who contributed for their hard work during the process.
Now, onto the new FK November 2022 modset.
On the faction side we have made some changes, BW Mod and Redd'n'Tanks have been removed and AMF has been added. It's not perfect, but is in active development and provides the community with a new faction.
We have refreshed our map list, adding back in some favorites along with some new maps, notable of which is Fapovo Island. The great map modder Jerichron will be applying his magic to give us an improved version of the map.
On the gear, uniforms and equipment side of things, we have replaced Military Gear Pack (MGP) with USP Gear & Uniforms AIO. USP AIO brings most of the same items, uniforms and equipment as MGP. We have also included the mod, ACE3 Arsenal Extended for USP AIO which allows for a new more compact way of choosing the options for uniforms, vests, etc. It allows for a smaller or better organized menu. kMaN has made a short video explaining this new feature afforded by the new mods.
On the vehicles side, the community decided to stay with what is still some of the better mods that provide vehicles, ie - RHS series, 3CB, Firewill's aircraft, etc. Unfortunately, there hasn't been much regarding new mods for vehicles. AMF will be the sole mod to brings the community new vehicles.
For Zeus', we have a new Breach mod which adds new items for players to try to breach doors
To celebrate the new FK November 2022 modset, kMaN has ported three of his scripted missions, using @Malbryn's MalFramework to support the new modset. They can be played at any time or in-leu of a main mission Zeus ran mission on FK1 or 2. You don't need to subscribe to his missions as they are on our servers already, but you can see them on the Workshop:
Operation Ice Fire I (USP)
Operation Ice Fire II (USP)
Operation Ice Fire III (USP)
One of our goal's for the November 2022 modset was to try and bring something new, ie - weapons, equipment, helmets, vests, accessories, immersion, system, maps, etc. As a result, despite the number of mods increasing, the modset has only grown by a modest ~9 GBs which is still under the hard limit of 75 GB.
Current (May 2022) Modset Size (GB): 65
New Modset (November 2022) Size (GB): 72
Removed Mods(May 2022) Size (GB): 12
Current (May 2022) Mods Count: 112
New (November 2022) Mods Count: 79
Anyway, onto some useful information. The modset will be live on FK 1 from Thursday, the 8th of December.
Mod Preset & Installation
The simplest way to get the new FK November 2022 modset ready will be to import it into the Arma launcher.
FK7 MTT Server
FK7 has been setup with the new modset for testing, the modset above can be used on the server and from the go-live date the same modset will be used so you do not have to download two different modsets. The password on FK7 has been reverted from the MTT password to the same password format that is used for all of our Arma servers.
Below you will find a full list of what's come in, and what was removed.
Mods Added and Removed
- Dynamic Camo System
- Mutambara
- Breach
- VS Static Line Jump MOD DEPENDENCY CHANGE Backpackonchest - Redux
- Ace Armor Adjuster
- Isla Abramia
- ACE3 Arsenal Extneded Core
- ACE3 Arsenal Extended for USP AIO
ACE3 Arsenal Extended pour AMF AIO - Diyala Map
- PLP Containers
- Al Salman 2.0
- USP Gear & Uniforms AIO
- USP Gear - IHPS
- Fapovo Island
- UMB Armavir
- G.O.S. N'ziwasogo v2 APEX
- Improved Craters
- USP Gear - Ace
- USP Gear Fix
- UMB Columbia
- Summa
- Kujari
- Sanagasta Map
- DHI Uniforms and Equipment
- TFAR Compat DHI
- Tembelan Island
- Anizay
- Military Gear Pack
- BWMod
- Redd'n'Tank Vehicles
- Project - Future Vertical Lift
- Maksniemi
- Kerma Islands by [Veterans]
- Hatchet H-60 pack - Stable Version
- Hatchet Framework
- Breaching Charge
Cover photo was made by @Melo
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