INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
Meeting Reports
Staff News
Community Manager Tasks
Some of the Community Manager's tasks have changed with the inclusion of the new CMs @Monocled Badger and @Spartan_MiniMe. Visit the Staff Directory to see what tasks are attributed to what Community Manager.
The holiday season is here, and therefore we may see that some staff are less available. Please keep this is in mind for the upcoming month. A happy staff is a well rested staff that has time to focus on family as well as their responsibilities here.
Public Relations Operations
Ideas for the new year
As always- PR is accepting any and all ideas and feedback from community members especially as we move forward through the end of 2020 and the start of 2021. What would you like to see more of in the new year? Contact @Rhea or @Deltabacon with any and all suggestions!
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Trainer's Corner
A call for New Trainers
Following the FAC trainers relinquishing their roles we are now looking for more trainers. If you are not interested in FAC, but have another discipline that you feel you may be capable of teaching- please message the Trainer Herdsmen @Monocled Badger or @Tomo.
A Zeus's Guide to LAMBS
@Jerichron has published an in depth guide to how to Zeus with our new LAMBS AI. Worth a cursory look through even if you never plan on Zeusing - This guide explains the ins and outs of the new AI. To find this guide, check HERE. To see more guides for other disciplines visit the guide section HERE.
Squad Leader Tag Evaluation change
The Squad Lead Trainers have conducted a review of their process and have lowered the minimum required Evaluations for the Squad Leader tag to 2, down from 3. Now is a good time if you've been thinking about going for it but holding it off. For more information feel free to look at the announcement post or the essential information post.
Community News
Remember when...
Huge shout out to Mr.Batty and @Doctadoone for preserving these memories and uploading them for all to see!
It's been quite a while since our last INTREP. INTREP 027 was published over a month ago now. The reason it's taken so long for this issue to be released was due to other stories taking precedence over the front page of our website. It was more important this month for you to receive those articles than it was to publish an INTREP. That being said- this is the last INTREP of the year and the PR team will be taking the majority of Dec off and picking things back up in January. Happy Holidays everyone!
- ❤️ Rhea
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