INTREP is a community newsletter which covers all important information regarding FK Gaming. Published bi-weekly, FK's INTREP brings you up to speed with what's happening in your community.
Meeting Reports
Staff News
Job Changes within the Community Manager Team
The Community Manager team has done some shuffling of roles to ensure each department is fully staffed. @Cyico will now be assisting @Rabit Salvokelk with the herding of the Moderators and @OneMadPanda will be joining the Public Relations Team as a liaison. We wish them both the best in their new positions. Want to know what other roles there are within the CM team and who is filling them? Head over to the Staff Roster page to see!
Public Relations Operations
Secret Santa Volunteers
It may seem a bit early to be planning for Christmas, but when you're trying to organize a Secret Santa of epic proportions starting early is always a good idea. This year @Spartan_MiniMe will be heading logistics of the Secret Santa endeavor along side the PR team who will be offering advertisement and promotion. If anyone feels they would have the time, energy, and willingness to assist Spartan in the logistics of this year's upcoming Secret Santa project please contact him directly. Any and all help would be appreciated!
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Community News
Orders for Silent's Dog Tags have now been closed!
The first order of FK Gaming branded dog tags is now complete! @SilentGunner13 has officially shipped out all of the orders for the new FK Gaming branded dog tags! Huge thank you to Silent for taking his time to offer these awesome tags to our community members. Also a big thank you to all who have ordered these tags! Now you can represent your community with pride!
Doc got more patches!
@Doctadoone has received more of the traditional patches to round out his already impressive stock-pile of new FK gaming logo patches. If you are interested in either type of patch or both check out Docta's post HERE and fill out the order form HERE. Huge thank you to Docta for going out of his way to provide these patches for the community.
Thanks to @Rabit Salvokelk for the pic!
INTREP Cover Photo Credit goes to @SilentGunner13 "Guerrilla warfare in the trees leads to bloody fighting and disorientation on both sides"
A bit of late INTREP this time guys, sorry about that. Wish I had a good excuse, but it really was just procrastination. Ah, well we're all human I suppose! Hope you enjoyed, see you in the next one! - ❤️ Rhea
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